DVLA may force some drivers to surrender their driving licence

Pictured is an elderly man driving a car
Some motorists may be forced to give up their driving licence -Credit:Getty

The DVLA may require some drivers, particularly those over 70, to "surrender their driving licence" if they have a potentially dangerous medical condition, according to experts from comparison site Easyquote. They emphasised that motorists must meet the "necessary driving standards" to stay on the road.

The law stipulates that drivers must inform the DVLA of any medical conditions, with over 100 issues potentially putting them at risk. While not all medical conditions will necessitate drivers to stop driving, some could endanger others and result in photocards being confiscated.

Easyquote disclosed this information while revealing several ways drivers could be hit by DVLA fines this summer, reports the Express. They warned: "Failing to report a medical condition could lead to a fine of up to £1,000, and drivers involved in accidents risk prosecution."

"The DVLA maintains a comprehensive list of over 110 conditions that could impair driving abilities, which some motorists may not be fully aware of. Common conditions requiring disclosure include diabetes, vertigo, and sleep apnoea, among others listed on the DVLA website."

"In severe cases, the DVLA mandates that drivers must surrender their licence if they do not meet the necessary driving standards." DVLA data from last year revealed that older road users had more medical conditions than younger drivers.

Casework data analysed last Autumn revealed that road users over the age of 70 were the most affected, with over 16,000 individuals bearing the brunt of a single health condition, Nottinghamshire Live reports. Moreover, there were 12,000 persons having "multiple medical conditions", exceeding any other age category on Britain's roadways.

Motorists can willingly turn in their licence if they perceive a health issue as a potential safety threat on the roads. Giving up driving voluntarily will indeed "make it easier to reapply for a new licence" down the line, clarified by GOV.UK. Nevertheless, those who do not voluntarily surrender their licences might be compelled to do so in severe cases.

The government site added: "DVLA will carry out medical checks to decide if you can continue to hold a driving licence. This can take several months and you will not be able to drive while they do this. If DVLA decides that it's not safe for you to drive, your licence will be revoked."