DVLA warning over 'revoking' licences in necessary steps are not taken

UK Driving Licence. Provisional and Full licence cards isolated on dark background
Don't get caught out -Credit:Getty Images

A warning has been issued to drivers across the UK which could see driving licences revoked if necessary steps are not taken.

But some motorists have said despite taking the steps, they have been left without the documentation needed to legally drive.

Warnings have been issued by the DVLA to drivers, stating that it may 'revoke' driving licences of individuals once they hit 70. The Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency made this known to older motorists via a tweet reading: "You need to renew your licence every 3 years after you turn 70. Do it online now it's easy, quick and secure."


One worried individual responded about their father's situation saying: "My father did this in March, new license has not appeared, unable to contact anybody to find out if it has been posted out."

Another concerned motorist shared their predicament by tweeting: "Hello. I've applied for my provisional license and have not gotten it for over 2 months. I've checked the website, and it says issued, but I've not received it ever since. My BIOMETRIC RESIDENT PERMIT is the document used, and I need it to be returned urgently. Thanks".

On the note of licence renewal, residents in Great Britain coming up to or above the age of 70, or those whose British licences are soon to expire or have expired can use the DVLA service. This stands so long as they meet minimum eyesight requirements and aren't disallowed from driving for other reasons.

It's important to note that a different service is available in Northern Ireland. Once you reach the age of 70, renewing your licence every three years becomes compulsory, reports Birmingham Live.

This renewal process also allows for an update of your licence photo.

To proceed with this, you'll require an email address, a history of your addresses over the last three years, your National Insurance number (if known), and a valid UK passport number (if you're looking to change the licence photo).

Upon application, the DVLA will send you a confirmation email. They might invite you to partake in research via email, but it's entirely up to you whether you want to participate or not.

You are permitted to continue driving while your licence is being renewed, provided certain conditions are met: you must have medical approval to continue driving, your previous licence was valid, you comply with the terms of your old licence, and your application is less than a year old.

Furthermore, it's crucial to ensure that your last licence wasn't revoked or refused for medical reasons, you're not currently banned from driving, and you weren't disqualified as a high-risk offender on or after 1 June 2013.

The DVLA has issued a cautionary statement that they may "revoke" a licence if they conclude that you are not a "we decide that you are not a fit and proper person to hold a licence".