DVSA 'denies' 900,000 drivers a licence and takes decisive action

The DVSA has denied around 900,000 drivers a driving licence, new figures from the Department for Transport show. More than 1.9 million practical tests were taken in the year to the end of March, according to new figures from the DfT.

The pass rate, however, was lower with only 47.9 per cent of tests resulting in success compared to 48.4 per cent the previous year. RAC senior policy officer Rod Dennis said: “Looking at these figures, it’scrystal clear just how important learning to drive is for so many people.

“While the number of practical tests being taken is greater than ever – thanks to efforts to reduce the Covid backlog – we know from our own research the huge extent to which people depend on being able to drive, whether that’s to get to or from work, to see friends or family, or to do the shopping.

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“It’s also positive that last year saw the second highest number of new driving instructors registered since 2012, something that is still very much needed to deal with the pent-up demand post-pandemic. The good news for would-be drivers is that the waiting time for practical tests is coming down – from an average of more than five months last August to just over three at the start of this year.”

Dan Jones, Operations Manager at DrivingExperience.com said: “It seems that safely navigating junctions is still causing learner drivers the biggest headache during their test. Often, learners get anxious about reversing around a corner or even parallel parking in the lead-up to their exam.

"Then, in the stressful environment of a driving test, they forget about the observational basics they would have been taught since the beginning of their lessons.” Dan concluded with advice for drivers who are about to take their practical test: “Last year the DVSA saw a 10 per cent rise in people taking their practical test when compared to the previous year, however the pass rate was down by half a per cent.

“Although any examination can be stressful, it is worth noting that examiners aren’t out there to catch you out. Make sure they can see you making deliberate observations, or even think out loud during the test as this can be a checklist for yourself as well.”