DWP 2024 payment date changes for Universal Credit, PIP and other benefits
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced a number of changes to payment dates for individuals receiving certain benefits throughout 2024. This is due to bank holidays which result in DWP offices, job centres and helplines being closed.
For instance, those on universal credit, PIP and other benefits who were due their money on Monday, May 6 were paid early on Friday, May 3 instead due to the May bank holiday.
There are several other instances when benefits will be paid early in 2024. Sign up for the North Wales Live newsletter sent twice daily to your inbox.
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Four more bank holidays are scheduled in the UK this year.
Monday, May 27 - spring bank holiday Monday, August 26 - summer bank holiday Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day Thursday, December 26 - Boxing Day
Benefits will be paid out on the previous working day during these dates, meaning recipients will receive their money earlier than usual. However, this only applies if your benefits are due on the day of the bank holiday, reports Wales Online.
If they are due any other day before or after, your payment date will remain unchanged and you will receive them as normal.
For example, on May 27, benefits will be paid on Friday, May 24 instead. In August, anyone due payments on August 26 will get them on Friday, August 23 instead.
While this is beneficial as it means you'll receive your money early, it also means you will have to wait longer until your next payment and make your money last longer.
While the specific benefits to be paid early have not been confirmed, bank holiday changes typically apply to the following:.
Attendance allowance
Carer’s allowance
Child benefit
Disability living allowance
Employment and support allowance
Income support
Jobseeker’s allowance
Pension credit
Personal independence payment (PIP)
State pension
Tax credits
Universal credit