DWP breaks silence after inquiry launched into treatment of PIP and Universal Credit claimants

The equalities watchdog is investigating the Department for Work and Pensions over treatment of disabled people on benefits. The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it "suspects" the DWP "may have broken equality law" when assessing benefit claimants, as well as in its day-to-day operations.

Announcing the probe as "the strongest possible action" it could take, the EHRC said it was looking into whether the department breached equalities law by failing to make reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities or long-term mental health conditions when carrying out assessments.

But the DWP has issued a strong statement in response to the announcement, which came today (Wednesday May 22). Anna Morell of Disability Rights UK said: “There has been a systemic failure of disabled people, and a culture of distrust, disbelief and punishment exists when it comes to the DWP providing benefits and support for disabled people.”

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A DWP spokesperson said: “The government is committed to improving the lives of disabled people and our recent disability action plan sets out 32 actions we are taking to make the UK the most accessible country in the world for disabled people to live, work and thrive.

“The DWP is committed to providing a compassionate service to all our customers. Benefits assessments are carried out by qualified health professionals with reasonable adjustments available to protect vulnerable claimants.

“We take our obligations under the Equality Act incredibly seriously, including the public sector equality duty, and will continue to cooperate with the commission.” Labour MP Debbie Abrahams, a long-term campaigner on the issue, said: “I am pleased that the EHRC have now said enough is enough and will be undertaking a formal investigation.

"I hope this can be done as a matter of urgency.” The investigation is reported to span from January 2021 to the present day.