DWP change for people with health conditions will affect thousands

The changes are being piloted in 15 areas
The changes are being piloted in 15 areas -Credit:Yui Mok/PA

A significant overhaul by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is set to impact thousands of individuals with health conditions.

The Work and Pensions Secretary has announced today (Tuesday) that a new work and health support service will be implemented across 15 areas in England. This initiative is part of the UK Government's strategy to assist those with health conditions in returning to employment.

The newly introduced WorkWell pilots - a collaboration between the DWP and the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)- "will connect 59,000 people from October to local support services including physiotherapy and counselling so they can get the tailored help they need to stay in or return to work", according to the Government.

This development follows the Prime Minister's declaration of an extensive array of welfare reforms, which the Government describes as a modernisation of the benefits system aimed at facilitating the entry of thousands more into the workforce. Among the changes is a review of fit notes, with the goal of reducing the burden on GPs and creating personalised work and health plans designed to prevent individuals from exiting the workforce and entering into long-term sickness benefits.

The Government said the WorkWell service "provides a single, joined-up assessment and gateway into both employment support and health services locally to help people manage their conditions and to identify workplace adjustments or support that would enable them to stay in work or return sooner". Participants do not need to be claiming any government benefits and will receive personalised support from a Work and Health Coach to understand their current health and social barriers to work and draw up a plan to help them overcome them. The Government said evidence showed that work was an effective way to improve wellbeing – reducing the risk of depression, improving physical health, and building self-confidence and financial independence.

Work and Pensions Secretary, Mel Stride MP, said: "We are rolling out the next generation of welfare reforms so that thousands more people can gain all the benefits work brings. Too many today are falling out of work in a spiral of sickness that harms their finances, their prospects and ultimately their health, where with the right workplace adjustments and help, this needn't be the case. And so we have designed WorkWell, a groundbreaking new service, that will for the first time integrate health and work advice at the local level, as part of our plan to stem the flow into economic inactivity, grow the economy, and change lives for the better."

Health and Social Care Secretary, Victoria Atkins MP, said: "Too often, people with disabilities or poor health fall out of work with no support. We have a plan to change that and improve lives so everyone has the opportunity to find fulfilling work."

"This service will help tens of thousands of people, who will receive joined-up work and health support, tailored to their individual needs. This service, alongside a faster, simpler and fairer health service, will build a healthier workforce, and a stronger economy."

The Government said WorkWell was "for anyone with a health condition or disability, including mental health conditions, who wants to work". It is a voluntary service, so people will be able to self-refer, or may be referred to WorkWell through their GP, employer or the community sector.

These professionals will also provide advice on workplace adjustments, such as flexible working or adaptive technology, facilitate conversations with employers on health needs, and provide access to local services such as physiotherapy, employment advice and counselling.

Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said: "It is fantastic that 15 ICSs can now start to get their WorkWell plans off the ground to provide more intensive, early-intervention support to their populations. ICS leaders know that with the right support, people living with poor health and long-term conditions can find that good quality work helps prevent them from becoming more unwell."

"This helps people to live a fuller life, which in turn reduces pressure on health services. While all 42 ICSs are already working incredibly hard to make progress on their fourth core purpose, to support the NHS in driving broader economic and social development, these pilots will offer joined-up work and health support and are a welcome opportunity to spur it on in some areas. We welcome the cross-Whitehall approach to tackling knotty issues and look forward to seeing these projects get off the ground and are pleased to be working with the Joint Work and Health Unit on this."

It comes as latest figures show there are currently 2.8 million people who are 'economically inactive' due to long-term sickness, a near-record high. The fit note process is often the first step to someone falling out of work and into inactivity and data recently published by the NHS shows almost 11 million fit notes were issued last year, with 94% of those signed "not fit for work".

A large proportion of these are repeat fit notes which are issued without any advice, resulting in a missed opportunity to help people get the appropriate support they may need to remain in work. To address this, the Prime Minister announced a review of the fit note system to stop people being written off as "not fit for work" by default and instead design a new system where each fit note conversation focuses on what people can do with the right support in place, rather than what they can't do, the Government said.

As part of the call for evidence, the Government is also testing reforms of the fit note process to integrate it more closely with WorkWell, enabling the people who need it to have a work and health conversation, with a single, joined-up assessment and gateway into local employment support services, it said. Some WorkWell pilots are in areas of the country with some of the highest number of fit notes issued, like Greater Manchester and the Black Country, where a combined total of more than one million fit notes were issued last year, the Government said.

It is also rolling out "fit note trailblazers" in some of the WorkWell pilot areas to ensure people who request a fit note have a work and health conversation and are signposted to local employment support services so they can remain in work. The Government said these "trailblazers" would trial better ways of triaging, signposting and supporting people looking to receive a fit note and will be used to test a transformed process to help prevent people with long-term health conditions falling out of work, including referral to support through their local WorkWell service.

Covering a third of Integrated Care Boards across England, the Government said the success of the pilot would inform the possible future rollout of a national WorkWell service dedicated to stemming the flow of people falling out of work due to ill health where the right adjustments and support could prevent this.

The Government's wide-ranging welfare reforms also include changes to the Work Capability Assessment which are expected to reduce the number of people put onto the highest tier of incapacity benefits by 424,000 by 2028/29 - people who will now receive personalised support to prepare for work, while the Government said its Chance to Work Guarantee will mean people can try work without fear of losing their benefits.

The rollout of Universal Credit will also be accelerated to move all those left on outdated legacy systems onto a simpler, more dynamic benefit system, which eliminates a binary choice between work and welfare. The Government also plans to change the rules so that more than 180,000 Universal Credit claimants will be given more frequent access to the expertise and guidance of work coaches, as a result of laying regulations to increase the Administrative Earnings Threshold.

WorkWell pilots will take place in the following areas:

  1. Birmingham and Solihull

  2. Black Country

  3. Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

  4. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

  5. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

  6. Coventry and Warwickshire

  7. Frimley

  8. Herefordshire and Worcestershire

  9. Greater Manchester

  10. Lancashire and South Cumbria

  11. Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

  12. North Central London

  13. North West London

  14. South Yorkshire

  15. Surrey Heartlands