DWP explains 23 common health conditions that qualify you for £286 monthly payment

A generic image of Neath town centre
-Credit: (Image: John Myers)

People with common health conditions are asked to check if they are eligible for a monthly disability payment worth hundreds of pounds. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) sends out employment and support allowance (ESA) to certain groups below state pension age who have a disability that impacts their ability to work.

The amount of ESA you can get varies depending on your circumstances and there are certain conditions you have to satisfy in order to be eligible for it. These include being under state pension age, having a conditions that affects how much you can work and having enough National Insurance contributions.

The amount of ESA you can get increased by 6.7% in April 2024 and you can check below to see which medical conditions could make you eligible for the money. To get the latest money stories straight to your inbox twice a week sign up to our newsletter here.

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What is new style ESA?

You can apply for 'new-style' ESA if you are under state pension age and you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work but you also need to have both worked as an employee or been self-employed and paid enough National Insurance contributions in the last few years.

You can't get new-style ESA if you claim jobseeker's allowance or statutory sick pay but you could get it if you receive universal credit at the same time. However you should note that your universal credit amount will be reduced by the amount you get for new-style ESA.

What medical conditions qualify for ESA?

You could be eligible for ESA if you have certain medical conditions which affect your ability to work. Here is the latest list of DWP conditions that may qualify you for ESA:

  • Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

  • Neoplasms

  • Diseases of the blood and blood forming organs and certain diseases involving the immune mechanism

  • Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases

  • Mental and behavioural disorders

  • Diseases of the nervous system

  • Diseases of the eye and adnexa

  • Diseases of the ear and mastoid process

  • Diseases of the circulatory system

  • Diseases of the respiratory system

  • Diseases of the digestive system

  • Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous system

  • Disease of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

  • Diseases of the genito-urinary system

  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium

  • Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period

  • Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities

  • Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified

  • Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes

  • External causes of morbidity and mortality

  • Factors influencing health status and contact with health services

  • Codes for special purposes

  • Unknown or claimants without diagnosis on the system

How much ESA can I get?

Like other benefits ESA increased by 6.7% in April. The new weekly rates are as follows but you should note that ESA is paid every two weeks:

Personal allowances

  • Single under 25: £71.70 (from £67.20)

  • Single aged 25 or over: £90.50 (from £84.80)

  • Lone parent under 18: £71.70 (from £67.20)

  • Lone parent over 18: £90.50 (from £84.80)


  • Both under 18: £71.70 from (67.20)

  • Both under 18 with child: £108.30 (from £101.50)

  • Both under 18 (main phase): £90.50 (from £84.80)

  • Both under 18 with child (main phase): £142.30 (from £133.30)

  • Both over 18: £142.25 (from £133.30)


  • Enhanced disability, single: £20.85 (from £19.55)

  • Enhanced disability, couple: £29.75 (from £27.90)

Severe disability

  • Severe disability, single: £81.50 (from £76.40)

  • Severe disability, couple (lower rate): £81.50 (from £76.40)

  • Severe disability, couple (higher rate): £163 (from £152.80)

  • Carer: £45.60 (from £42.75)


  • Pensioner, single with work-related activity component: £91.70 (from £82.55)

  • Pensioner, single with support component: £79.95 (from £71.55)

  • Pensioner, single with no component: £127.65 (from £116.25)

  • Pensioner, couple with work-related activity component: £154.75 (from £139.85)

  • Pensioner, couple with support component: £143 (from £128.85)

  • Pensioner, couple with no component: £190.70 (from £173.55)


  • Work-related activity: £35.95 (from £33.70)

  • Support group: £47.70 (from £44.70)

How do I apply for ESA?

You can apply for ESA online here or by phone on 0800 055 6688. You’ll need:

  • your National Insurance number

  • your bank or building society account number and sort code (you can use a friend or family member’s account if you do not have one)

  • your doctor’s name, address, and telephone number

  • a fit note (sometimes called a ‘sick note’ or a ‘statement of fitness for work’) if you’ve not been able to work for more than seven days in a row because of a disability or health condition

  • details of your income if you’re working

  • the date your statutory sick pay (SSP) ends if you’re claiming it

Once you’ve applied you’ll be contacted by phone and told when to give the evidence and where to send it. You’ll normally get the ‘assessment rate’ for 13 weeks while your claim is being assessed. This will be:

  • up to £67.20 a week if you’re aged under 25

  • up to £84.80 a week if you’re aged 25 or over

If it takes longer than 13 weeks to assess your claim you’ll continue getting the assessment rate until you get a decision or until your ESA is due to end. You’ll be placed into one of two groups if you’re entitled to ESA following your assessment. If you’re able to get back into work in the future you’ll be put into the work-related activity group. Otherwise you’ll be put into the support group.