DWP will pay parents of certain children a benefit worth £184 per week

Parents of certain children could be entitled to this benefit
-Credit: (Image: John Stillwell/PA Wire)

Parents of certain children could be eligible for a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit worth nearly £200 a week. This is done through the Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

The benefit is available to help cover the extra expenses of caring for a child under 16 who has walking difficulties or requires more care than a non-disabled child of the same age. They will need to meet all the eligibility requirements, reports BirminghamLive.

The DLA rate is between £28.70 and £184.30 a week and depends on the level of help the child needs. If your child lives in Scotland then you need to apply for Child Disability Payment instead of DLA for children.

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If your child is getting DLA for children but they have moved to Scotland, you'll need to report this change so they can get Child Disability Payment instead. If your child moves from Scotland to England or Wales, if your child gets Child Disability Payment, you must report this to Social Security Scotland and also make a new claim for DLA for children, the DWP has said.

Your Child Disability Payment will stop 13 weeks after your child moves, so apply for DLA as soon as possible after moving or your payments could be affected. The higher rate is for children who need help or supervision throughout the day and night.

This rate also applies for children who have been medically advised they may have less than 12 months to live. There are two mobility components that also influence the amount you will receive, including the lower rate and higher rate.

The lower rate is for children who can walk but require assistance or supervision outdoors. The highest rate is for children who cannot walk, can only walk a short distance without severe discomfort, become ill if they try to walk, or are blind or severely sight impaired.