DWP PIP benefits crackdown sees seven changes proposed from scrapping payments to NHS 'proof letter'

PIP has distributed millions of pounds to disabled and ill individuals since its inception a decade ago
PIP has distributed millions of pounds to disabled and ill individuals since its inception a decade ago -Credit:No credit

The government is set to overhaul the Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) Personal Independence Payments (PIP). The benefit has distributed millions of pounds to disabled and ill individuals since its introduction a decade ago.

The government has issued a 'green paper', a consultation document highlighting issues with the current DWP benefits system for PIP claimants. This includes a significant rise in people claiming benefits for mental health problems, which it says is putting a strain on public finances.

The document says PIP expenditure is predicted to increase by 63 percent to £35 billion over the next five years, partly due to nearly a quarter of the population 'reporting a disability' in 2024. The government's consultation proposes several drastic changes, from scrapping cash payments to requiring disabled individuals to purchase items from an 'approved list', the Express reports.

Currently, PIP claimants eligible for the full amount of support receive cash payments worth £184 a week, or £9,580 annually. One suggestion put forward by the government is to stop making cash payments to those claiming PIP benefits from the DWP and instead issue vouchers.

It says: "Moving away from a fixed cash benefit system so people can receive more tailored support in line with their needs. In the United Kingdom, we have had a predominantly cash transfer system for extra costs since the introduction of Attendance Allowance and Mobility Allowance in the 1970s.

"Given there are other models of support used internationally, and the changes in disability benefit caseloads over time, we think it is right to ask about other models of support and the impact of these approaches, including stopping regular cash payments, if they were to be adopted here." It adds that the cash is often perceived as 'compensation for being disabled', stating: " We also know that some disabled people view their PIP award as compensation for being disabled rather than as an award for extra costs."

Five cash replacements proposed

Alternatives suggested include a catalogue scheme, with an 'approved list' from which disabled people could select items 'at no or reduced cost'. A voucher scheme would allow disabled people to receive vouchers to contribute towards specific costs, including equipment and services.

A receipt scheme would require claimants to purchase equipment or services themselves and then submit a receipt to the government to claim back some money towards it. It says: "This would involve claimants buying aids, appliances, or services themselves, and then providing proof of their purchase to claim back a contribution towards the cost."

The government says that it could 'redesign PIP' and alter eligibility criteria. This could involve 'reforming' the PIP assessment to make it "more linked to a person's condition".

Change to carers' benefits

The government has acknowledged the pivotal role unpaid carers play in supporting those with disabilities and health conditions. It says: "We also recognise the important role that unpaid carers play in supporting disabled people and people with health conditions.

"If support for disabilities and long-term health conditions were to be delivered through a new system, there would be implications for carers' benefits. We will carefully consider these implications when taking forward this consultation on disability benefits."

Removing 'work capability' assessment for Universal Credit

In its proposed scheme, the government plans to abolish Universal Credit fitness for work assessments when providing PIP and instead implement a new, consolidated Universal Credit health element. It says this would "help more disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay and succeed in work".

Doctor's notes and NHS information for PIP claims

The proposals consider swapping the traditional DWP benefits assessment for one based on the views of healthcare professionals. It says: "We think an assessment based on condition would require a greater emphasis on the provision of medical evidence of a diagnosis and we would need to consider the requirement this would place on the NHS and health professionals."

Change to mental health treatment

One of the most discussed issues arising from the plans is the change in mental health services. The government suggests looking at "improved support of other kinds" beyond cash payments, "such as physical or mental health treatment, leading to better outcomes".