DWP PIP claimants hit out at Rishi Sunak plans to cut their payments as 'insane'

Rosie Sargent, left, and Debra Baxter
Rosie Sargent, left, and Debra Baxter are furious about proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment announced by Rishi Sunak in a new speech on welfare reforms -Credit:Rosie Sargent/Debra Baxter/PA

People who receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) have slammed the Government's proposed cuts to their benefits as 'insane', arguing that such measures will force them into poverty and make their health issues even worse. Rishi Sunak has been accused of "actively targeting disabled and vulnerable people" with his new welfare reforms.

Sunak has outlined radical changes to the PIP system, in which the Department for Work and Pensions provides financial support for those with long-term health conditions or disabilities. He has suggested that claimants may need to provide more medical proof to support their PIP claims and that some people with mental health issues could be offered alternatives such as therapy instead of cash payments into their account every four weeks.

Debra Baxter, 58, who lives with triplegic spastic cerebral palsy, burnout syndrome, and various food intolerances, says she is "completely incensed" by the proposals. Ms Baxter, who is dependent on two powered wheelchairs for mobility, relies on the £434.20 she receives from PIP every four weeks to cover her gas and electricity bills.


She told the PA news agency: "I've had to stop charging my wheelchairs as much because the electricity bill is so expensive. I'm just taking a risk, trying to balance between can I pay the electricity bill or am I risking my wheelchair breaking down. You're kind of holding your breath all the time.

"At the end of the day, I can't be carried everywhere and I can't be pushed everywhere in a manual chair, so I need that extra electricity to charge my wheelchairs."

Ms Baxter, from Wigan, Lancashire, voiced her concerns about the potential impact on her finances, saying she needs to keep her home warm to reduce muscle spasms. She pointed out that her dietary needs combined with the cost of living crisis have already tripled her food expenses.

"If the cold weather comes along, that would actually make the spasms even worse and so the heating is essential, so that I can relax my muscles as much as possible, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to move and I'd be in more pain," she explained. "I need social care to help me get washed, dressed and go to the toilet, it's not something I can just take or leave, because I need that support."

She added: "If the Government wants disabled people to go back to work, services are not going to be flexible enough to allow that, so basically, it's an insane proposal, quite frankly, in my eyes, especially as it would affect me a great deal. The Government really doesn't seem to understand the needs of disabled people because they don't want to listen to independent disabled people."

"They're going to drive disabled people into more poverty and more mental health problems, and more problems with disability."

Rosie Sargent, a 27-year-old from Wiltshire who has cerebral palsy, receives £316 in PIP every four weeks but says it doesn't adequately cover her expenses.

Speaking to the PA news agency, Ms Sargent said: "My (PIP) only covers the basics like gas and electric. It doesn't touch what I actually need to spend it on like transportation, as that's a challenge within itself. I am fortunate to have my partner to cover household costs, however I have to sacrifice being able to go out and heating as it is really expensive even when I do top it up."

"I became dangerously underweight with a BMI of 14 so that my children had all the food they need. I have one meal a day and rely on nutritional shakes prescribed by the GP. I have completely lost any independence I had pre-Covid."

Rosie described the process of applying for PIP as "a long and tiring process". She explained: "I felt like I was being gaslit by the Government and that my experience as a disabled person was being downplayed. A part of me felt like I had lost my identity."

On comments made by Mr Sunak in his latest speech, including where he spoke about his worries about PIP "being misused", she said: "It is quite clear after Sunak's comments today that the Government is actively targeting disabled and vulnerable people. I am concerned that this will increase hatred towards disabled people and make our lives harder than it already is."

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