DWP says claimants who receive letter in post during July could be owed 'top up'

People on Employment and Support Allowance are due a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) letter this month inviting them to make a new claim for Universal Credit. Managed Migration Notices will be sent to those on Income-related Employment and Support Allowance during July.

Universal Credit is gradually replacing six benefits currently being administered on an older IT system. These include Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Housing Benefit.

Under the latest phase, those currently receiving Income-related Employment Support Allowance with Child Tax Credits will be sent a Migration Notice this month. The DWP said: "To continue receiving financial support you must claim Universal Credit by the deadline date given in your letter. This is 3 months from the date the letter was sent out.

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"If you cannot claim Universal Credit by the deadline date, you should contact the Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline as soon as possible. You may be able to get more time to make a claim if you have a good reason. You must request this before the deadline date on your letter."

It added: "On Universal Credit, most people will be entitled to the same amount they received from their previous benefits, or more. If your circumstances change before you make your claim, this may affect the amount you get."

If the amount you are entitled to on your existing benefits is more than you’ll get on Universal Credit, a top up is available. You can only get this additional amount if you have received a Migration Notice and claim by the deadline date on your letter.

If your circumstances change after you’ve made your claim, any transitional protection you receive may stop, the DWP has gone on to explain on its website as the managed migration process continues.