DWP takes down 'tone deaf' Universal Credit poster and says 'it's out of date'

The Department for Work and Pensions has broken its silence over a "tone deaf" poster after coming under fire. The poster, about Universal Credit, was put up in a Jobcentre as the Cost of Living crisis continues - and it sparked a widespread fury.

The DWP poster claimed single parents are better off working than being on benefits and t he government has been urged to “pay more attention to the facts". The poster said a single parent with two children could receive £433 more each month if they took a minimum wage job for 15 hours per week, rather than being paid benefits.

Sarah Lambert, of single parent family charity Gingerbread, warned: "Unrealistic examples like this are not only unhelpful but they clearly show that this government doesn't understand the realities of life for single parent families.

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"The majority of single parents work and many want to take on more paid hours but a lack of affordable, available, and flexible childcare is a huge barrier.” Ruth Talbot, founder of the campaign group Single Parent Rights, said: “The majority of single parents are already working.

"Those single parents who aren't in paid employment, or are working less than 15 hours are doing so because of the genuine employment barriers they face and the critical caring role they are undertaking for their children which they can't tag team with a second parent.

"Rather than trying to convince single parents of a mythical financial situation, the DWP should be investing in practical support for single parents who are able to work or increase their hours, and ensure that the wider barriers single parents face are addressed.”

Michael Clarke, from anti-poverty charity Turn2us, said: “At a time when our benefits system is leaving so many single parent families unable to afford the cost of essentials like food, unrealistic DWP information like this will undoubtedly cause frustration and confusion for people needing urgent support.”

A DWP spokesperson said: “The poster is out of date and has been removed from Lewes Jobcentre. Work is the best path to long-term financial security with households likely to be £6,000 better off or more taking a full-time job rather than being unemployed on benefits.”