Dying Japanese businessman throws 'end of life' party at Tokyo hotel

Satoru Anzaki threw an end of life party  - Kyodo News Stills
Satoru Anzaki threw an end of life party - Kyodo News Stills

A Japanese businessman with terminal cancer organised his own 'funeral' party at a Tokyo hotel and invited his closest friends and business associates along.

Satoru Anzaki was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer in October but decided against chemotherapy due to the side effects.

The 80-year-old took out an advert in the The Nikkei, the world’s largest financial newspaper, explaining his decision not to undergo end-stage chemotherapy.

Around 1,000 guests attended the 'end of life' celebration organised by Anzaki, the former president of Komatsu, the Japanese mining equipment maker.

“I am satisfied that I could say ‘thank you’ to people I met in my life,” he told Japanese media.

“As I want to maximise the quality of life during the time I have left, I have decided not to receive treatment given the side effects.

“I have enjoyed my life very much. I thought that being despondent is not in my nature.”

He added: “I am happy to be able to convey my gratitude in my own words.

“I want to make the most of the rest of my time and be put in a coffin having thought ‘my life was fun’.”

One friend who attended the party said: “It was just like Anzaki to host an event like this. He values human relationships more than anything else.”