Dylan dedicates cover to Bob Dylan fan who mistakenly bought tickets to her show

Dylan and Bob Dylan
Dylan and Bob Dylan (Pictures: Press, Xavier Badosa/Wikimedia Commons).

Rising UK pop star Dylan dedicated a Bob Dylan cover to a fan who accidentally purchased tickets to her show instead of the US music icon.

Back in November, Andy Day, 54, attended a show at London’s KOKO to watch the rising artist after realising he had purchased tickets to see Dylan, and not the ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ singer.

Explaining the name-based mix-up, Day told Rolling Stone UK at the time: “My father-in-law is a massive Bob Dylan fan and owns nearly every album, bootleg and book he’s ever released, so it was a rite of passage that I had to go and see Bob Dylan before he accepted me into the family.”

However, after purchasing the tickets online, he only realised his mistake when he found out that Bob Dylan was playing in Dublin on Monday night – the same date as the KOKO show.

Day decided to attend anyway and praised the 23-year-old star for holding the crowd “brilliantly” and for the “maturity of her writing”.

At the time, Dylan told Rolling Stone UK that she would make sure to “have a cover of ‘blowin’ in the wind’ in my back pocket in case it ever happens again”. Now, the singer has followed through on her promise by dedicating a Bob Dylan cover to Day.

Performing at the O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire last night (February 21), Dylan told the crowd: “There was a dude called Andy Day who turned up to my gig with his father-in-law and his wife, and I think they’re here tonight, and they thought they were coming to a Bob Dylan gig.

“There’s been a lot of that this tour, someone even got to the point where they bought merch before they realised,” she continued.

“And as a big fan of Bob growing up, I thought I would do a small little cover of him, so this is for Andy and his family.”

Watch Dylan’s cover of ‘Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door’ below.

‘Forget Bob, this is the real Dylan!!!!’ Day tweeted from the audience ahead of the performance, before sharing that she “absolutely nailed it” and “put a huge smile on our faces”.

Explaining to Rolling Stone UK how he’d realised the initial mix up, Day said: “I had this sinking feeling that something had gone wrong. I downloaded the tickets and indeed realised that I had bought tickets to see this 23-year-old pop/rock star called Dylan. We had a debate about whether we should go, but thought ‘sod it, you can’t go far wrong with a bit of live music’.”

Meanwhile, today (February 22), Dylan has released her soaring new track ‘Every Heart But Mine’ which features an all-star choir of Cat Burns, Rachel Chinouriri, Mae Muller and more.

“I have been waiting for this song to come out forever because for me, it is the biggest confidence booster of a lyric,” Dylan explained in a press statement. “I think the song has many meanings behind it. I see it as a reference to love, as a reference to career moves and as a ‘you have no idea what i’m capable of’ feeling.

“I felt like there was something missing in the track, so I invited some of my favourite artists that I’d been hanging out with – who all happen to be incredible women – to sing harmonies and backing vocals on the song. It was everything the track needed.” Listen to the new track here.