How Dylan McDermott Really Feels About Being Mistaken For Dermot Mulroney

Dylan McDermott One Last Thing
Dylan McDermott One Last Thing

Peter yang/august

Dylan McDermott has no problem being mistaken for fellow actor Dermot Mulroney.

"My whole career," McDermott, 60, responds with a laugh when asked about the last time the two men were confused for one another. "It's the syllables. For both of us, so many years of being confused. He and I always joke if they combined our careers, we would be the biggest movie star in the world."

McDermott, who currently stars in the CBS hit series FBI: Most Wanted, spoke to PEOPLE for One Last Thing:


Jose Perez/

Last game I played: Monopoly is my go-to game, and I'm obsessed with it. I last played with my daughter [Charlotte, 17]. It brings the worst and the best out of me. I was some sort of landlord in my previous life.

Last guilty pleasure: I would say my weakness is spaghetti Bolognese. My grandmother used to make spaghetti for me when I was a kid, and she had this incredible sauce. I can barely boil water, but I've been searching the globe for that dish.

Last moment of bliss: Turning 60, being with my kids and my best friends, my mom, Eve Ensler. My oldest daughter [Colette, 26] made me my favorite dessert, an avocado chocolate mousse. We were just together; it felt complete.


Last thing I learned about myself: That I'm really a stickler for detail, and I love the truth. I started writing my memoir during the pandemic. Everybody should do it, going back over your life and reliving those moments. I'm still working on it.

FBI: Most Wanted airs on CBS Tuesdays at 10/9c.