A dyslexic harpist invented a new harp with rainbow strings to help her play

A dyslexic harpist who struggled to read music has invented a new harp with rainbow strings and matching coloured sheet music to help her play.

Morwenna Louttit-Vermaat, 34, always struggled to learn to read music but discovered it was easier if she put colour coded stickers on her harp.

Now with husband Creag, 35, the couple have have created a multi-coloured harp so that people with learning difficulties can play.

Craeg, from Stroud, Gloucestershire, said: ''It was my wife's idea.

''When she was learning to play the harp she struggled  reading the sheet music until she put coloured dots on her harp.


"My wife and I also do a job where we look after people with special needs, and we had a lady with autism staying with us.

"She couldn't pick up musical instruments but with the rainbow harp she managed to play happy birthday to her mum.

"The system makes it easier for people who are intimidated to play music on the harp, it makes it possible for them to do that."

With the help of Matthew Kirby, a harp maker, and Eleanor Prout, a graphic designer, they created the Rainbow Harp, with coloured strings and coloured sheet music.

Already it's helped young children play the instrument, including Creag and Morwenna's son Django, four.

It has also enabled people with special needs, as well as neurotypical people, to experience the joy of playing music that would have otherwise eluded them.


Craeg continued: "It's because of the colour coding. You don't need to worry about which note is which because you just match the colours.

''It means that anyone who can hum happy birthday then you can play it on the rainbow harp.

"The sheet music that we have is real proper sheet music, it's just coloured.

''I've seen how much potential this has, we have lots of ideas about using it in a therapeutic setting."

The couple have founded Hands on Harps - a small, carbon neutral, business based in Stroud.

To find out any more info@rainbowharp.co.uk or visit www.rainbowharp.co.uk