East Lothian planners blasted for 'basic error' in housing appeal
A planning agent has been so incensed by the refusal of an application by East Lothian Council that he is providing his services free of charge in the appeal.
Harry Wood launched a blistering attack on planning officers over their decision to refuse to allow a farm steading near Oldhamstocks to be converted into a house.
In an appeal statement on behalf of applicant Christine Donaldson, Mr Wood said planners need to 'take a good long look at themselves' over the decision which he said ruled the new house would overlook a neighbouring conservatory, despite looking onto a solid wall.
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He said: "It makes me wonder if East Lothian Council planners actually visited the site or observed anything before compiling the report and refusing the application,
"I suggest East Lothian Council take a good long look at themselves and ask why they are wasting applicants' time and money. Long suffering council tax payers such as myself (I live in North Berwick) have to wonder what we are paying for when such a basic error has been made."
Mr Wood added: "There is no charge to applicants for this appeal and I am giving my time for free as I feel the applicant is so hard done by due to East Lothian Council."
The planning officers refusal of permission for the new two-bedroom home at Fernylea was because of a lack of outdoor amenity and said the new house would have 'no outlook'.
It also said a new opening in the property would result in "harmful overlooking of the conservatory of the neighbouring house".
Mr Wood's appeal, which will go before the council's Local Review Body says an atrium space had been included in the design of the home to compensate for a lack of outdoor amenity and points out the rural location of the new home means occupants "could enjoy plenty of opportunity to experience outdoor space as soon as they step out their door."
And he added: "The conservatory walls facing the steading are solid masonry walls. How someone would be able to overlook someone in a conservatory through solid masonry walls is beyond me."
The appeal is being held next month.
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