EastEnders airs exit for Karen Taylor

EastEnders spoilers follow from Thursday's episode, which is available to watch now on BBC iPlayer alongside Friday's special episode.

Karen Taylor has once again left Albert Square following a dramatic showdown in EastEnders.

The soap is currently experiencing schedule changes where episodes are available to stream a day before they air on BBC One in primetime.

Karen turned up in Walford once again earlier this week determined to find out what happened to her son Keanu on Christmas Day. She subsequently overheard Kathy and Stacey discussing how they'd arranged for Phil to take control of The Arches from Sharon as a way to clear Karen's debt.

In the episode aired on BBC One on Thursday (February 8), Karen shared her theory with Bernie that Phil Mitchell and Sharon Watts must be behind Keanu's disappearance.

karen taylor stacey slater eastenders

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Bernie was doubtful of Karen's theories that Sharon and Phil may have reunited romantically, or perhaps Phil wanted his rival gone once he discovered Keanu wasn't Albie's biological father.

"I'm going to ask Linda, Stacey, the whole lot of them what they're covering for Sharon because I know…. I know they're hiding something," Karen vowed.

Karen cornered Stacey in the Square to accuse her of lying, but Stacey insisted she'd already told her everything she knew about Keanu's 'disappearance'.

She next charged over to No. 27 to have a word with Denise Fox, but Jack Branning refused to let her in the house.

When Karen suggested Keanu's disappearance has "Phil Mitchell all over it", Jack warned her: "Unless you've got evidence, I'd be very careful throwing accusations around because you'd get yourself in a lot of trouble."

Linda Carter barely held it together when Karen turned up at the Vic to question her over whether Sharon and Phil had done something terrible to Keanu.

bernadette taylor phil mitchell karen taylor eastenders

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"Tell me what happened because I need answers," Karen demanded.

Linda broke down in tears as she repeated her false story that Keanu had threatened The Six with a knife before running away.

"I don't know anything. Please believe me, you have to believe me," Linda begged.

Kathy interrupted before Linda could confess anything, only for Karen to reveal she'd heard Kathy and Stacey speaking in hushed tones about getting rid of her with the Arches deal.

"You're all hiding things, ain't ya?" Karen shouted at them.

She next walked into the Square where Phil and Kat were discussing the future of their relationship. Karen warned Kat to watch her back because Phil would always look out for Sharon first.

bernadette taylor karen taylor, eastenders

Later, Bernie told Karen causing trouble in the Square was all for nothing because she was convinced Keanu had "done a runner".

"You've got to accept what he's done," Bernie told her mum. "He's brought all of this stuff on himself."

Bernie reminded Karen that Keanu had gone missing once before and he later "turned up fine" a few years ago.

"He will [turn up] again but in the meantime, you are chasing after a son who has put you through so much," Bernie promised.

karen taylor eastenders

She encouraged her mum: "Go to the hotel, get your stuff and get back to Mitch and those kids because I know they'll be missing you."

Karen took Bernie's words to heart, but on her way out of Walford, she dropped by No. 55 to warn Phil that the truth about Keanu would come out someday.

The episode ended with Karen giving Bernie some of Phil's cash and then leaving Albert Square in the back of a black cab.

"You go and enjoy that new life. You deserve it," Bernie told her mum.

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

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