EastEnders’ Will Mitchell takes drastic action in early iPlayer release

EastEnders spoilers follow for Tuesday’s episode (June 25), which is available to stream on BBC iPlayer now and hasn’t yet aired on TV.

EastEnders’ Will Mitchell has taken drastic action against his grandfather Stevie, in the show’s latest episode.

Last week, Walford held a talent show in memory of Lola Pearce-Brown and to raise money for charity – but the residents later discovered that the money was stolen.

The finger was pointed at Stevie, and in Tuesday’s episode, he was the talk of the Square as he overheard Alfie, Freddie, Jean and Harvey gossiping.

billy mitchell, stevie mitchell, eastenders

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In the pub, Stevie told Billy and Phil that he was determined to clear his name and find out the real culprit, but Billy didn’t believe him, seeing as he and Mo were stealing goods hours earlier.

Stevie saw Will in the café and checked in with him about his blackmail ordeal, but Will was less concerned and assured his granddad that the blackmailer would get bored soon.

Stevie asked if he was responsible for stealing the charity money, but Will denied it, and instead offered up Gina’s name, telling him that she is into drugs.

Back in The Vic, Stevie confronted Gina about the accusation, and she was appalled, with Junior defending his sister and kicking Stevie out the pub.

will mitchell, stevie mitchell, eastenders

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Outside, Stevie confronted Phil and recalled an incident decades ago when, as children, Phil stole Billy’s cowboy hat that he won, saying, "there’s only one sheriff in Phil’s town".

When Stevie told Mo that it was Will who suggested Gina stole the money, Mo was suspicious, and Stevie realised that Will’s blackmail trouble could have caused him to do something stupid.

In the pub, Will argued with Billy and insisted that Stevie wasn’t responsible for the theft, before storming out.

Overhearing this conversation, Stevie followed Will home and confronted him, getting him to admit that he in fact stole the money.

will mitchell, stevie mitchell, eastenders

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Stevie told Will that he had to face the consequences, but he refused, so Stevie lost his temper, angry that he was taking the blame for the crime.

As Stevie grabbed Will, he pushed his grandad off him, and Stevie fell, hitting his head on the table.

With Will leaving him motionless on the floor, will Stevie be okay?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

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