EastEnders previews Christmas 2023 storylines in 64 spoiler pictures

sharon watts, keanu taylor, albie, eastenders
EastEnders teases Christmas stories in 64 picturesBBC

Coming up on EastEnders, it's a Christmas that will change Albert Square forever as one male character meets his fate at the Queen Vic.

As secrets are exposed and karma comes back to haunt some of the residents, who won't make it to the end of Christmas night alive?

Our 64-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, December 25: Albie enjoys his Christmas present

Keanu takes the youngster outside on the Square.

keanu taylor, albie, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Bernie approaches Keanu

She begs him to tell Sharon the truth so that Karen can return home. Keanu refuses.

keanu taylor, bernadette taylor, eastenders

Monday, December 25: It's a busy Christmas at the Mitchells'

Phil takes centre stage at the head of the table.

ben mitchell, sam mitchell, phil mitchell, kat moon, billy mitchell, honey mitchell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Phil gets a surprise

Bernie interrupts the Christmas meal.

phil mitchell, honey mitchell, billy mitchell, tommy moon, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Bernie wants to talk to Phil

How much will she reveal about what she knows?

bernadette taylor, phil mitchell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Kat watches drama unfold

Phil decides to head to Sharon's wedding.

kat mitchel, eastenders

Monday, December 25: It's a busy time for Jack

As well as dealing with troubles in his marriage, Jack is involved with helping Suki.

amy mitchell, jack branning, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Stacey turns up

She's there to collect Charli.

denise fox, stacey slater, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Jack comes to the door

Things are tense between him and Stacey.

jack branning, stacey slater, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Stacey seems sheepish

There has been a spark between her and Jack recently.

stacey slater, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Jack is feeling regretful

His marriage to Denise is in a bad place.

jack branning, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Rocky spends time with Sonia and Reiss

Sonia supports Rocky after his recent troubles.

sonia fowler, rocky, theo hawthorne, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Rocky hangs a Christmas wreath

It's a last-minute addition for Christmas Day.

rocky, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Rocky is thoughtful

His guilt over the cafe fire was recently exposed.

rocky, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Ian treats Cindy

He gives her a Christmas present.

ian beale, cindy beale, peter beale, bobby beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Ian kisses Cindy

Cindy seems delighted with the gift.

cindy beale, ian beale, peter beale, bobby beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: The Albert Square residents gather for the wedding

Everyone awaits Sharon's arrival.

keanu taylor, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Denise attends with Jack

They put on a united front despite recent troubles between them.

jack branning, denise fox, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Jack and Denise have been through a tough time

But what does the future hold?

denise fox, jack branning, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Sonia speaks to Kathy

Will she defend Rocky?

kathy beale, sonia fowler, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Kathy and Rocky sit apart

Things still seem strained between them.

kathy beale, sonia fowler, rocky, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Keanu continues to wait

Sharon hasn't turned up yet.

keanu taylor, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Keanu hides his own guilty secret

He's still keeping quiet about his involvement in Albie's kidnap.

keanu taylor, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Sharon arrives

Albie walks down the aisle with her.

sharon watts, albie, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Everyone admires Sharon

Sharon looks stunning in her wedding dress.

albie, keanu taylor, sharon watts, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Keanu feels overwhelmed

It's all been leading up to this moment.

keanu taylor, reiss colwell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Keanu watches

Could his guilty conscience get the better of him?

keanu taylor, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Sharon joins Keanu at the altar

The ceremony begins.

sharon watts, keanu taylor, reiss colwell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Sharon and Keanu exchange their vows

Sharon is excited to finally marry Keanu.

keanu taylor, sharon watts, eastenders

Monday, December 25: The vows continue

So far, so good...

keanu taylor, sharon watts, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Sharon and Keanu are a picture of happiness

But could someone spoil the day?

sharon watts, keanu taylor, albie, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Dean talks to someone on the phone

What is he up to?

dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Dean continues to pose a threat

He's been causing problems for Linda ever since he returned to the Square.

dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Dean seems tense

Is he making a new evil plan?

dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Anna and Gina visit the Beale house

They've agreed to enjoy Christmas lunch with Cindy and the Beales.

anna knight, annie branning, gina knight, cindy beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Anna and Gina are ready to give Cindy a chance

It's taken a long time to get to this moment.

ian beale annie branning, anna knight, gina knight, eastenders

Monday, December 25: George receives a visitor

Cindy comes to see him at The Vic.

george knight, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Cindy makes an offer

She suggests that George should come over to the Beale house for a drink.

cindy beale, george knight, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Bobby approaches Kathy

They have a quiet chat.

bobby beale, kathy beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Bobby seems concerned

What does he need to talk to Kathy about?

kathy beale, bobby beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Cindy enjoys Christmas

It's her first one since coming out of hiding.

cindy beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: George arrives

He accepts Cindy's invitation.

ian beale, george knight, cindy beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Cindy takes George's coat

She's pleased that he accepted the invitation.

george knight, cindy mitchell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Cindy and George seem relaxed together

Are they getting too close for comfort?

george knight, cindy beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Ian worries

He's unsettled by George's presence.

cindy beale, ian beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Ian is unhappy

George's arrival wasn't what he had in mind.

ian beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Elaine is also present

But she also notices the potential spark between Cindy and George.

elaine peacock, george knight, eastenders

Monday, December 25: The atmosphere threatens to turn awkward

Troubled times ahead?

cindy beale, ian beale, gina knight, anna knight, elaine peacock, george knight, peter beale, bobby beale, eastenders

Monday, December 25: George tries to make amends

He pretends to Elaine that he has booked her a romantic trip away to a hotel.

george knight, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Vinny supports Suki

Suki is making another plan to leave the Square.

vinny panesar, suki kaur panesar, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Lola's loved ones gather

They spend Christmas together.

jay mitchell, lexi mitchell, tommy moon, billy mitchell, janet mitchell, honey mitchell, bert, ernie ,alfie moon, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Jay, Lexi and the others watch a video message

It's a video that Lola recorded specially for the occasion.

jay mitchell, lexi mitchell, tommy moon, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Billy is overwhelmed

It's a big moment to see Lola again.

billy mitchell honey mitchell, eastenders

Monday, December 25: Everyone reacts to news in Lola's message

Lola reveals that Jay and Honey will both be running the London Marathon next year.

lexi mitchell, jay mitchell, tommy moon, eastenders

Wednesday, December 27: Ashton gets upset

He's disturbed by noises outside.

ashton, whitney dean, eastenders

Wednesday, December 27: Whitney comforts Ashton

But Zack struggles with the situation.

ashton whitney, dean zack hudson, eastenders

Wednesday, December 27: Whitney is frustrated

Zack isn't coping well with the situation.

whitney dean, ashton, eastenders

Wednesday, December 27: Zack becomes withdrawn

He's struggling to bond with Ashton.

zack hudson, eastenders

Thursday, December 28: Linda feels anxious

Elaine is due back from her mini-break.

linda carter, eastenders

Thursday, December 28: Whitney and Zack spend time with Ashton

After a difficult start, things are going well.

ashton, zack hudson, whitney dean, eastenders

Thursday, December 28: Zack is pleased with how things are going

He was previously struggling to bond with Ashton, but the situation is looking up.

zack hudson, ashton, eastenders

Thursday, December 28: Reiss is feeling reflective

Sonia heads in.

reiss colwell, sonia fowler, eastenders

Thursday, December 28: Reiss and Sonia look to the future

They excitedly discuss the upcoming embryo transfer.

sonia fowler, reiss colwell, eastenders

Friday, December 29: Whitney and Zack's big week continues

Are things still going well with Ashton?

zack hudson, whitney dean, eastenders

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