EastEnders' Rocky faces blackmail threat over café fire

EastEnders spoilers follow.

Rocky Cotton is facing a blackmail threat from Nish Panesar in EastEnders.

Rocky has been trying to conceal his responsibility for the fire at wife Kathy Beale's café, while allowing her to face police questioning for intentionally starting the blaze even though she's innocent.

He decided to intentionally start a fire in the café in hopes of cashing in insurance money to pay off his mounting debt to local crime boss Nish Panesar.

In Tuesday's (November 14) episode, Kathy made a critical mistake by refusing a lawyer, which allowed her to be questioned by detectives for hours on end.

eastenders harvey confronts rocky

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Harvey Monroe knew his best mate Rocky must have been behind the arson, so he put pressure on his friend to confess the truth for Kathy's sake.

While Rocky did head to the Walford PD station, he lied by claiming the fire must have been started by his faulty DIY skills. Kathy was subsequently released pending further investigation.

At the Vic, Harvey told Rocky that their friendship was over, before warning him that he'd have nothing left once his house of cards came tumbling down. Nish next approached Rocky to offer to cancel the mounting debt "as a gesture of goodwill", then revealed he'd sussed out Rocky must have started the fire.

"If Kathy knows about all of your debts, she'll piece all of this together," Nish insisted.

eastenders nish and rocky

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When Rocky asked what Nish wanted to keep silent, the crime boss revealed he wanted Kathy to turn over ownership of the café to him since it stood on a "very valuable piece" of land.

"You convince Kathy to sell to me, or everyone finds out what you did," Nish threatened.

What will Rocky do?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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Organisations including Citizens Advice, the National Debtline (0808 808 4000) and StepChange (0800 138 1111) can provide information and support around debt in the UK.

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