EastEnders spoilers: Sharon Watts gets a SINISTER sign about her wedding!

 Sharon Watts and Linda Carter collect her wedding dress.
Sharon Watts and Linda Carter collect her wedding dress.

Sharon Watts gets a foreshadowing of the deadly event set to rock Christmas Day in Thursday's episode of EastEnders (7:30 pm. see our TV Guide for full listings).

Sharon Watts is excited about her upcoming wedding day to on-off lover Keanu Taylor. Despite the fact that explosive secrets could come out, she is determined to forge ahead.

Asking best mate Linda Carter to help her on a special mission, the pair set off to collect Sharon's dream wedding dress.

But disaster is about to happen!

As Sharon hurries across the Square clutching it in her arms, Tommy Moon accidentally sends it flying into the road...

Linda Carter and Sharon Watts have a disaster
Linda Carter and Sharon Watts have a disaster

Already on pins over the secret shock revelation that Keanu isn't really her son Albie's father, Sharon sees the wedding dress disaster as an omen.

She tells Linda that it must be a sign that she should stop the wedding going ahead.

Trying to comfort her friend, Linda insists that it was an accident and it doesn't have any meaning and with time ticking away, she manages to find Sharon the perfect replacement dress.

Which happens to be the one that Kathy Beale was originally going to wear...
It seems everything is falling into place for a Christmas Day murder, even though the residents of the Square have no idea.

Denise Fox is confronted by a devastated Amy Mitchell
Denise Fox is confronted by a devastated Amy Mitchell

Denise Fox comes to the sad conclusion that, this time, her marriage really is over. She and husband Jack Branning have been drifting further apart for months, weighed down by the strain of family problems and Denise's near affair.

Although they almost split before, they agreed to try again for the sake of Jack's daughter Amy Branning, who was in a fragile mental state after being bullied.

When Denise packs her bags, Amy finds her and is devastated to realise she's leaving. After Amy flees the house in a state, a worried Denise goes looking for her and finds her sobbing her heart out in the playground.

Horrified at the state Amy's in, Jack is furious with Denise, banning her from leaving the family home!

Will Denise give in to Jack's emotional blackmail?

Dean Wicks shares news with Gina Knight
Dean Wicks shares news with Gina Knight

Also, Dean Wicks drowns his sorrows when the transplant for his ill daughter Jade Green is called off. After a chat with Rocky Cotton about forgiveness, Dean is given food for thought...

EastEnders continues on BBC One on Friday at 7:30 pm.