Easy 'fluffy' scone recipe takes 18 minutes in air fryer with basic ingredients

Scones with cream and jam
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

British scones, a beloved treat, come in various flavours such as plain, fruit, and the savoury cheese variety.

Having a go-to basic recipe is essential, which you can then jazz up with additional ingredients like blueberries or chives to suit your taste.

While these delightful bread-like morsels are traditionally baked in an oven, this nifty BBC Good Food recipe calls for the use of an air fryer instead. This handy kitchen gadget allows you to rustle up scones quickly, baking them in just 18 minutes.

The recipe guarantees "fluffy" scones that are ideal for a splendid cream tea simply pair with jam, clotted cream, and a steaming pot of tea for the ultimate experience, reports the Express.

Air fryer scones recipe


- 175g self-raising flour, plus a bit more for dusting.

- Half tsp baking powder.

- 50g butter, chopped into small pieces.

- Two tbsp caster sugar.

- Half tsp vanilla extract.

- 90ml buttermilk or regular milk.

- A splash of milk for glazing.

- Jam and clotted cream for serving.


Start by preheating the air fryer to 180C. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder with a dash of salt, then work in the butter with your fingertips until it looks like breadcrumbs.

For those who prefer a quicker method, a food processor can do the job in no time. Just toss in all the ingredients and pulse briefly until you achieve a breadcrumb consistency be careful not to overdo it.

Next, stir in the sugar. In another container, blend the vanilla with the buttermilk or milk, then gradually incorporate this into the dry mix until a soft dough forms.

Now, sprinkle some flour on a clean work surface and place the dough onto it. Use your hands to shape it into a ball, then slightly flatten it until the dough is about 4-5cm deep.

Grab a 5cm round dough cutter, and cut out the scones (do two or three at a time before reshaping the dough).

Keep repeating this process until you've used up all of the dough. Then, carefully move the rounds into the air-fryer basket, lightly brush each one with milk and bake for 14-18 minutes until they're golden and risen.

You can serve the scones straight away or, if you prefer, let them cool down and store them in an airtight container for up to three days.

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