Is eating food past its use-by date really that harmful?

Often scrape the mould off your parmesan? Don't fret, it's all ok -
Often scrape the mould off your parmesan? Don't fret, it's all ok -

The global population can be divvied into two camps: the cautious and sensible who consign their food to the bin seconds after its use-by date. And the hardy, thrifty, throw-caution-to-the-winders who dare to devour even the hairiest slice of Mighty White - so long as it’s given a fiery blast in the toaster. But who is right?

First things first. Any debate about whether or not to eat gone-off food should not involve the words “best before” or “sell-by”.

Even the thriftiest among us will accept that use-by dates have their purpose

When a best before date is passed, it doesn’t mean that the food will be harmful, it simply means the food probably won’t taste very nice. As for sell-by dates, they exist to help shop assistants rotate stock.

No, what we are concerned with are use-by dates.

Even the thriftiest among us will accept that use-by dates have their purpose. Ultimately, they are there to tell us when foods pose a health risk, particularly when it comes to fresh, perishable ingredients. Ignore use-by dates and according to the NHS you could be setting yourself up for a severe bout of food poisoning, an illness that has over 5.5 million of us rushing to the bathroom every year.

Tightly wrapped and refrigerated, Parma ham even the sliced variety will keep 10 days or more in the refrigerator - Credit:  Gianluca Colla
Tightly wrapped and refrigerated, Parma ham even the sliced variety will keep 10 days or more in the refrigerator Credit: Gianluca Colla

While this may sound like a lot of people, it isn’t nearly as high as it should be. According to the Food Standards Agency, around one third of UK consumers (that’s over 20m people) are prepared to eat food based on the way it looks and smells instead of checking its use-by date.

The reason more of us don’t land up in A&E is because most manufacturers work in a margin of safety, which – reassuringly – means that if you keep food under perfect conditions, it’s usually safe for at least a few days after its use-by date.

What’s more, not all foods are as potentially harmful as others. While soft fruits, mixed greens and raw meat - particularly chicken, over half of which is infected with the potentially deadly campylobacter bacteria - can all be dangerous; other ingredients are less harmful.

Generally speaking, produce that is very sugary (jam, honey and other preserves), salty (pickles and Italian cured ham), fermented (kimchi and sauerkraut) or dried (oatcakes, crackers and biscuits) are low risk.

Most jams will last for 6-12 months past a "best by" date - Credit:  Andrew Crowley
Most jams will last for 6-12 months past a "best by" date Credit: Andrew Crowley

Hard cheeses, such as cheddar and pecorino, are also usually safe to eat, so long as you cut away the mould - just don’t try this with soft cheese like Brie and Camembert, which can harbour particularly malevolent moulds.

The benefit of not throwing away food so readily is of course less waste.

According to the UN one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted globally. In Britain, that amounts to around 7.3m tonnes of food and drink a year, the disposal of which creates an estimated 17m tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the emission of 4m cars. And wasted food isn’t just bad for the environment; it’s also bad for our wallets; waste is estimated to cost the UK food industry £5bn per year.

Think about that the next time you chuck away a mouldy lump of cheddar.

How long can I keep my cheese?
How long can I keep my cheese?

Daniel Tapper is the author of Food Unwrapped: Lifting the Lid on How Our Food is Really Produced (Bantam)

This piece was originally published in February, 2015. A box on how long different cheeses can be kept was added and the piece republished in August 2017.