'Eco warriors' from York primary school invited to House of Commons

'Eco Warriors' Dylan Watkins and Leo Wilkinson, along with their classmate Charlotte Adlum <i>(Image: Provided)</i>
'Eco Warriors' Dylan Watkins and Leo Wilkinson, along with their classmate Charlotte Adlum (Image: Provided)

YORK primary school children were invited to the House of Commons to discuss their work on an environmental initiative.

Three children and two teachers from Poppleton Road Primary School were invited to the commons by York Central MP Rachael Maskell to share their thoughts after taking part in The Global Plastics Treaty, an initiative run by Greenpeace UK.


For the students, this was their chance to discuss the results they had taking part in the Big Plastic Count and learn what more could be done to help ‘fight the war’ on plastic use.

The Big Plastic Count took place from March 11- 17 and saw residents and schools count the plastic that they used and threw away to produce a ‘household plastic footprint’.

The collected results revealed that UK households are throwing away more than 1.7 billion tons of plastic per week.

York Press: Charlotte Adlum in London for the Big Plastic Count event
York Press: Charlotte Adlum in London for the Big Plastic Count event

Charlotte Adlum in London for the Big Plastic Count event (Image: Provided)

Last month, Poppleton Road Primary School's Year 5 Eco Warriors Dylan Watkins and Leo Wilkinson, along with their classmate Charlotte Adlum, spent the day in the capital city taking part in several activities.

They learnt about the Global Plastics Treaty, what the job of an MP is, and then enjoyed talks from volunteers for the Duke of Edinburgh award, a maritime scientist, and plastics activist from Indonesia.

The day ended with a trip to the House of Commons where they met with Ms Maskell to discuss what could be done locally to try and reduce plastic usage.

York Press: Poppleton Road Primary School students meet York Central MP Rachael Maskell
York Press: Poppleton Road Primary School students meet York Central MP Rachael Maskell

Poppleton Road Primary School students meet York Central MP Rachael Maskell (Image: Provided)

Teacher and sustainable schools lead Lauren Iveson said: “Dylan, Leo and Charlotte were fantastic advocates not only for the school but also for the children of York.

“Their knowledge and passion shone through and will hopefully lead to steps being taken to reduce the amount of plastic that is used by manufacturers so that we can all help to protect our planet so that future generations can thrive.”