Edinburgh contestants impress leaving Pointless viewers all saying the same thing

An Edinburgh duo have appeared on the prime-time BBC quiz show Pointless, impressing viewers with their answers.

Michael and James, from Leith, appeared on the popular show at 5.15pm on Friday May 3 and did exceptionally well with their performance.

The show, which was presented by Alexander Armstrong alongside Gabi Logan on the desk, saw the Edinburgh couple go head to head with three other teams.

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Michael, who is originally from California but has lived in the capital for the past 13-years, stole the show with his knowledgeable answers.

The supermarket customer service representative said that Edinburgh is ‘the best city in the world’ and that the area of Leith is ‘even better.’

But all viewers of Pointless know that it takes two to tango and James, who works as a handweaver, delivered to ensure the couple did not go home in the first round.

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The game opened with Michael being the first of the two to try to name a three letter word beginning with ‘S’ and straight out of the traps he landed a Pointless answer with ‘Suk’ - another name given to a North African or Middle Eastern market.

After Michael had added £250 to the £4,750 jackpot, James stepped forward with an admirable score of 15 for the word ‘Sod.’

The Leith couple then progressed to the next round and were tasked with named historical figures born in the 1880s with the aid of a number of clues.

This time James went first and named the Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi which landed him a score of 26 while Michael almost went back to back Pointless answers when he scored three with the singer Ma Rainey.

Their combined score of 29 was enough to see them through to face Anne and Tracy but before they took on the head to head round they added a further £250 to the jackpot when Michael named Zhoug as a pointless condiment.

With the jackpot sitting tantalisingly at £5,250, the pair were first to pick from a list of Geographical ‘mouths’ - going with the neighbouring Grangemouth.

After going 1-0 up, they killed the semi-final off by correctly naming the Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice in the ‘Companion programmes to reality television contests.’

By securing their final berth, the duo already had the coveted Pointless trophy in the bag but they were met with a list of difficult topics made up of: Belgian Jazz and Pop, Detective Stories, Environmentalism and Scandinavian Film Directors.

Opting for Detective Stories, they were asked to come up with either Words of six letters or more in the titles of Agatha Christie’s ‘Poirot’ stories or Words of six letters or more in the titles of Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ stories.

Michael and James said they would like to pay for a trip to Australia if successful and provided Cloister, Mystery and Curtain as their final answers.

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Agonisingly they came close with Mystery scoring three and Curtain painfully coming up with just one.

Viewers were impressed with their performance, with many watching singling out Michael for added praise.

One viewer said: “Murders?! COME ON!! Feel sorry for the lads. Did so well #pointless”

Whereas another said: “Aw, shame. James and Michael deserved the jackpot. #Pointless”

Someone else said: “I want a night out with Michael and James. They seem fun #pointless”

And finally someone added: “Oooh Micheal is very good isn't he? He's like the non celebrity Barry Williamson #pointless”.