Edinburgh man on overcoming brutal bullying for being the 'bigger one' in school

Josh Brock - a barman standing in uniform in front of bar

Growing up, Josh Brock would use humour as a coping mechanism for the relentless teasing he suffered at the hands of classmates.

This escape became all the more important as the ribbing tipped into bullying and continued into adulthood as he worked behind a bar.

So budding actor Josh's show at this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe, MANikin, and its portrayal of struggles with obesity and body image has been a while in the making.

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Josh, 28, from Leith, says: "Growing up I have always been bigger from primary school right through to today. It starts off as teasing, and then that doesn't get addressed which then turns into bullying. Even now, they assume it is ok, sometimes it gets to you."

He talks about how he deals with the bullying, even as an adult. He says: "Humour is a massive thing for me. I find an escape through humour even if it is self-deprecating to myself.

Josh talks about coming face to face with the bullies who tormented him in primary and high school. He says: "I’ve gone home before when I was about 19 or 20 and I've seen people that used to bully me in the pub and the shops. They come and talk to me like they’re your friend like nothing happened. Some people have come across and actually apologised for their behaviour."

He continues: "But I've been able to let go of a lot of stuff and put it behind me, but It's really difficult to do so. I've got friends who still struggle with body image because their bullying in high school was so intense."

The actor and barman is positive and upbeat about the issue that used to be a struggle for him. He says: "I am very positive about my body image, I don't pretend anything - I am obese, I am not just a chubby guy. At the end of the day, it isn’t the weight that defines me, it's who I am behind it all."

He adds: "I won’t lie, I do still sometimes struggle, you look in in the mirror and the brain starts ticking. But this is me, this is what I am, I love it."

He is set to appear In MANikin at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year which deals with male obesity and body image. He says: "There are aspects of the show that were my experience of growing up."

He continues: "It is a mix of the writers, and unfortunately the experience of thousands of others growing up. Always being the bigger person in their area. The show deals with mental health issues and body image."

MANikin was a recipient of a Keep It Fringe bursary in May 2024, launched by The Fringe Society with the support of Honorary President; Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, talks about the Keep it Fringe bursary. She says: ‘We are massively grateful to DCMS for providing funding that has enabled us to continue the Keep it Fringe fund for another two years. We know that for many artists the financial challenges of putting on a show can prevent some from coming to the Fringe, and this funding will enable the Edinburgh Fringe to be more accessible to artists from across the UK."

She continues: "As one of the greatest platforms for creative expression in the world, the Fringe offers artists the opportunity to gather, network with industry partners and explore future career opportunities. I encourage all artists to continue to reach out to our Artist Services team to see how we can provide further support as we hurtle towards this year's Festival Fringe.’

The show, MANikin is an unflinching portrait of a man’s struggle with obesity and body image in modern society, seeking how these issues arise, escalate and become life-threatening.

Josh says: "There are lots of sensitive moments in this show. It is a safe space to explore these issues. Being in that rehearsal room, it just clicked for me - it was fantastic. The support that I felt in the rehearsal, and to be able to do this show in front of people is just great."

He adds: "I want for that one hour, for them to feel that they are being listened to and that their stories are being heard."

Josh talks about how he had come to work in the theatre industry. The 28-year-old says: "I am best friends with Nathan. We finished college and went into the industry, work was here and there and we were told if the work wasn't there, go make it yourself. Nathan took that to heart and we now have Saltire Sky Theatre. It has really allowed us to focus on topics we don’t see a lot of in theatre."

MANikin debuted last year, on a short run. It has been finetuned this year with a full festival run and will be performing at the Wee Red Bar.

He says: "I would love for people that go to shows like this, to be able to tell their story, come forward. Or maybe they’ll see the show and text their friend who may have struggled with body image and mental health, and check in with them."

"We make a lot of theatre for people who don’t go to theatre. For that one hour, I want them to feel like they are being listened to."

Josh talks about another part of the show that really resonated with him. He says: "The mother is a major part of this play, so that really hit home for me. I have a close relationship with my mum, she recently had a minor stroke, no lasting effects thankfully".

He talks about the mum in the show being a real eye-opener for him and others. That the family member, the friend, or even the work colleague is coming from a place of good.

Josh says: "The ability to see that they are there to support you because they are your friend, your family, no hidden agenda. It's you and it's them. You deserve that help and support."

He says: "When I worked in a pub in my previous job, the names 'big man' and 'big guy' would get thrown about. A lot of people would get offended when maybe you’ve said to someone that they’ve had too much, and they’d call you names."

He adds: "I tell you, If I had a pound for every time I was called fat, ugly, useless or anything to link back to my weight - I wouldn't be working another job! If that's where you immediately go, you can’t hurt me - I’ve heard way worse."

"I was really fortunate, I stood up to my bullies and after that, they left me alone. But some of my friends had it really bad, it was constant for them. And that's where we talk about MANikin being semi-autobiographical."

Josh is really excited about playing at the Fringe, he says: "Honestly, it is every aspect, the shows, the atmosphere, the festival is one of the best times of the year for me personally. The amount of theatre and creativity that comes to this town is unmatched.

"The fact that I can tell a story that is really personal to me and do that show with my best friends is the best thing."

MANikin will play at the Wee Red Bar this year at the Festival Fringe. They have a crowdfunder in place to help them fund their trip to the Fringe.

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