Edinburgh prisoners lift the lid on their struggles of 'life behind bars'

Prisoner Steven Clark says that getting the right medication can be hard in prison.
Prisoner Steven Clark. Picture: Callum Moffat. -Credit:Callum Moffat

Prisoners at HMP Edinburgh have shone a light on the difficulties they face keeping on top of their mental health while behind bars.

Some inmates spoke of being intimidated by the level of violence and drug taking within the prison while others said that long waiting lists for mental health support has led to their health deteriorating.

The Scottish Prison Service invited Edinburgh Live for an inside look at the measures they are putting in place for Mental Health Awareness Week.

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Although several activities were offered throughout the week, with many benefitting from the services, prisoners say that there is not enough access to projects such as yoga, football, quizzes and song writing classes, that can often help them open up.

David Murray, spoke of how missing his family was taking its toll on his own mental health, and alleged that there is violence and drug taking within the halls of HMP Edinburgh.

“Family is the most important thing and it is difficult to make calls and see them,” he said. “My son has mental health issues which means he struggles with only getting to see me for 45 minutes and then having to leave again.

Prisoner David Murray claims violence and drugs are visible regularly in the prison halls.
Prisoner David Murray claims violence and drugs are visible regularly in the prison halls. -Credit:Callum Moffat

“There is often violence and drug taking. There is no sense of calm until you are locked up in your cell and that is when the internal thoughts come and your mental health is out the window.

“Either you go to sleep or watch the telly. I’d say that sleeping is a luxury here. There is so much noise in the evenings, folk have their TVs on full blast through the night.

“I think the long waits for mental support are not great and you can struggle to get access to classes. But when you do it is beneficial, I can practise yoga in my cell and it helps put my mind at rest.”

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Harrison Kimpembe had a very different experience to that of David, he admitted this was not his first stint in the nick, and that he was able to cope well with the environment.

But he struggled when his parole was recently knocked back and says that he just wants to get back to his family and friends on the outside.

“For me personally I struggled when I got knocked back for parole,” he said. “I’ve been behaving myself, I’m one of the most trusted people in here and get on with everyone.

“Only stress I’ve been having inside this prison is that I do everything I can and I get knocked back for things out of my control. It is hard as I have family and friends on the outside who want me to come out.

“For once in my life I have made the changes in myself I want to see. But getting knocked back can make your mind struggle. Talking to people is helpful, share your issues and problems, it may not solve it but it helps you get it off your chest.

Harrison Kimpembe after taking a yoga session in the morning.
Harrison Kimpembe after taking a yoga session in the morning. -Credit:Callum Moffat

“I’m lucky to have people who will hear me out and that is massive, as men we do not open up enough, and you see that a lot in here. I’ve been in prison before and I know how it runs.

“Drugs and violence just happen in prison, the way I look at it, more things happen on the outside that impact my mental health than inside. I don't have any issues with anyone and get on with everyone cause I keep myself to myself.

“Learning how to control my breathing inside has been really helpful as it helps me relax and you don’t feel like you are in prison, it is an escape. The classes give me something to look forward to.”

Danny, who did not wish to provide his surname, surprisingly revealed that he has found calm inside prison and has been able to adapt to his environment.

On the outside he was placed on an 18-24 month waiting list to see a psychologist but it took him just over 20 weeks to access the same services behind bars.

He argues that it is essential for prisoners to access services so that they can come out the other side rehabilitated and in control of their emotions.

“Jail on the outside is seen very negatively but I see a lot of positives that you can get out of a place like this,” he said. “Being away from family really hurts the mental health but I find there are a lot of prisoners and staff you can talk to.

“I think it is harder for my family than it is for me as I can adapt in a place like this, I am in here with a bunch of brothers. I’m unaffected by the drugs and violence, I’m finding my time here quite easy going.

“I joke that it is quieter here than it is in my house. I have a wife and daughters, it is a loud house. There is a lot of politics in prison but I stay out of it.

Prisoner Danny says that he has found a sense of calm behind bars.
Prisoner Danny says that he has found a sense of calm behind bars. -Credit:Callum Moffat.

“You get a choice to go one way or another and I’ve decided I want to turn my life around. But you have to go out and seek the help or you won’t get it.

“Before I came in here I tried to get psychology on the NHS and was told I’d be waiting for 18 to 24 months. I came in here and was told 18-20 weeks.

“I’ve found a bit of calm in jail and my wife would say the same. I do a lot of reading, mostly self help and mental health books as I also want to help others.

“I’ve also taken up barbering and when I get out I’d like to do that on the outside with a mix of mental health support.

“I’m looking ahead. Mental support is all on you and improving that will improve your chances on the outside.”

Rather than pouring his energy into activities, Jude Chattell, 42, has found solace in his work, saying that he has to keep busy to keep his mind off of battling the black dog.

“I cannot concentrate on anything for a long time, I try to play my xbox and watch tv but I often get fed up after five minutes and go to sleep,” he said. “I work in recycling and am part of the waste management team.

“Having a purpose really helps me as there is nothing worse than being sat in your cell all day. Prison is about battling boredom.

“Activities are not always available and I want to do more education but there is not enough here. There are too many of us and not enough resources for us to get access.

“I’d say it can be hard to shield from drugs, as you have friends here who can be using and always offering you things like Spice. I’ve tried it a few times and made me a zombie trying to get back to my cell.

Prisoner Jude Cattell has found solace in his work.
Prisoner Danny says that he has found a sense of calm behind bars. -Credit:Callum Moffat.

“It was not for me. I play Minecraft and every other guy laughs but it is what helps me.

“We try not to show our vulnerabilities as some people in here can use it against you and try to hurt you with it, which puts a big burden on yourself.”

Steven Clark, 28, who suffers from chronic anxiety, also hit out at mental health waiting times and the lack of access for services.

He adds that he escapes by watching TV series but struggles when he is unable to get original artworks from his children over drug concerns.

“I’ve not had my name down for any classes because there is no guarantee you get them,” he said. “I don’t think the services are advertised as much as they should be.

“I’ve got chronic anxiety and I would not go out the house much unless I had to. I also have PTSD from being attacked in the past and that hangs over me but here I am forced to socialise.

“You can not stay in your cell as people question you. It has sort of hurt and helped me in a way.

“There is not much support for your mental health and the waiting lists can be long. On the outside I was on antidepressants but it took me six months to get them in here which stopped me from being able to tune out from the intense feelings.

“A lot of guys have similar problems, their meds are reduced or they struggle to get them at all and that can lead to breakdowns. The lack of sleep definitely impacts your mental health and makes you feel more depressed. My flat is a good one to be in, we don’t like bullies.

James Innes (2nd from right and Charles Traylor far right ) from Men of Leith Men's Shed talk to inmates.
James Innes (2nd from right and Charles Traylor far right ) from Men of Leith Men's Shed talk to inmates. -Credit:Callum Moffat.

“I watch a lot of box sets. TV and a series and I always try to fish them out.

“I just finished Walking Dead and that was really good. There is nothing else to do, just you and the TV.

“The longest part of my day is after lunch time as we get out from 9am until lunch and then are locked up for the rest of the day and night bar for dinner.

“I’d also say I struggle with not getting original pictures and stuff from your kids. You just get a photocopy as so many people were dipping the pictures in legal highs.

“That can be really hard.”

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Fiona Cruickshanks, Governor of HMP Edinburgh, said: “The mental health and wellbeing of all who live and work in HMP Edinburgh, and all other establishments, is a key priority for myself and the SPS as a whole.

“We not only provide a range of activities, such as yoga and art therapy, during Mental Health Awareness Week, but work with our partners in the NHS and third sector to support those in our care all year round.

“We have also sought to improve the training of our staff so we are better at identifying those individuals who are struggling, and in need of help and intervention, and recently introduced concern lines so people can call us if they have a concern about a loved one.”

NHS Lothian have been approached for comment.