Edinburgh Question Time backlash as fans rage at Fiona Bruce for behaviour towards Kate Forbes MSP

Edinburgh Question Time backlash as fans rage at Fiona Bruce for behaviour towards Kate Forbes MSP

Edinburgh played host to Question Time last night and several of Scotland's top politicians were on the panel.

A healthy debate was had with just three weeks to go before the General Election as everyday Scots posed their questions to leaders and key players, challenging them on what they are going to do to improve the country.

But once again, it was the host, Fiona Bruce, who drew the biggest response from many on social media, with fans enraged at her style and behaviour on the BBC show.

The presenter, who also fronts Antiques Roadshow, has been accused by viewers of cutting across the SNP's deputy first minister Kate Forbes MSP especially, as many raged at her constant "interrupting" of guests.

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Fiona Bruce and Kate Forbes on the show
Fiona Bruce constantly interrupted Kate Forbes on the show, fans claim -Credit:BBC

On the panel with Kate Forbes, who worked for Nicola Sturgeon's government, were the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Douglas Ross MSP, Anas Sarwar MSP, the leader of Scottish Labour, Stephen Noon, who was the chief strategist behind the 2014 campaign for Scottish independence, and former UK Government adviser, Iain Anderson.

On Twitter , @JCaramac fumed: "#bbcqt Christ, Bruce, let her speak, eh? FFS." @cammyk_67 remarked: "Does Fiona Bruce host this or does she just challenge nationalists , never interrupted Dross." @bazz_87 raged: "Jesus Fiona, calm the f*** down! Let Kate speak! I may not like her and her policies, but she deserves to be heard. #bbcqt." @JMPAdams tweeted: "Fiona Bruce behaving badly yet again #bbcqt."

Meanwhile, @BobInOrbit said: "#bbcqt Fiona Bruce is too quick to interrupt Kate Forbes. It's too obvious. Also, she asks questions directly - I thought this was supposed to involve questions from the audience?" @ShortbreadFairy remarked: "Fiona Bruce keeps butting in and accuses Kate Forbes of making it up whilst Sarwar went unchallenged on his austerity fluff." @Rummlie added: "Look I can't stand Kate Forbes, but why is she the only one being interrupted?"

SNP's First Minister Kate Forbes on the show
SNP's First Minister Kate Forbes braved the panel -Credit:BBC

But others argued that Fiona was right to interject so that everyone on the panel is able to answer the audience member's questions as @jim argued: "It's her job!"

The Express reports that Viewers were further divided when the panel was asked: "How do we achieve a just transition from oil and gas to clean energy without losing thousands of jobs?" And Bruce went to Kate Forbes and queried the SNP's position on oil and gas licences, probing her and asking: "Are you for them or against them or not for them?"

Kate Forbes explained they are "for going through each of the licences applications on a case-by-case basis" which was met with laughter from the studio audience. "Let me finish my answer," the SNP minister argued. Bruce cut in and said: "How can a new oil and gas field ever be compatible with climate change?"

Kate Forbes replied: "If I can illustrate that...", but the BBC presenter interjected: "No, answer that question first." As the minister attempted to explain her point Bruce interrupted, saying: "That's different from climate change compatibility. How can they be compatible?"

Kate Forbes pleaded: "I'm answering your question..." The BBC presenter faced the audience and said: "Are you hearing an answer here?" "Well, no because you're not letting me," the First Minister concluded.

Some Question Time viewers admitted to "switching off" following the pair's back and forth.

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