EDITORIAL: We told you so

May 10—The Register hates to say, "We told you so."

But this tie in the Gainesville City Council Ward 3 race is exactly what we fret about when we editorialize about the importance of voting.

The election between Randy Jones and incumbent Michael Hill came down to a 25-24 vote with Jones squeaking ahead, and one ballot could change the result because it may — or may not — have been postmarked on time to count in the vote.

Just 49 people could be bothered to vote in an election to decide who represents their neighborhood on the city council. We don't have the exact population total for Ward 3, but it's a darn sight more than 49 people.

We know everyone is busy, and we know how frustrating it can be to follow politics local, state or federal; however, it's important that we do so. Just a few weeks ago, several citizens showed up to a council meeting to adjust a proposed zoning change. Their will was heard, some changes were made and the city has a zoning reform in place that will help with long-term planning.

People made time to make Gainesville better. They need to do that at election time, too.