Electric motorbike seized and driver fined after escaping from police

An electric motorbike has been seized by Thames Valley Police. <i>(Image: Thames Valley Police South Oxon and Vale of White Horse)</i>
An electric motorbike has been seized by Thames Valley Police. (Image: Thames Valley Police South Oxon and Vale of White Horse)

An electric motorbike has been seized by police after its driver recently evaded police in a south Oxfordshire town.

The offending driver has also been fined and will have points added on their licence after the incident around the village and civil parish of Grove.

This week, while conducting routine patrols for anti-social behaviour in the Grove area, Wantage neighbourhood policing team found the electric motorcycle used by the driver - noting that it had previously "made-off from officers in the town centre".

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A Thames Valley Police South Oxon and Vale of White Horse spokesperson said: "With the assistance of an officer from response team three, we have now seized the bike under Section 165 this evening, and the driver can now expect a fine and points on their licence."

The discovery finished off a busy week for the local team who have assisted with multiple missing person enquiries, contacted victims of various offences and visited local farms to apply forensic markings to tools and equipment.

The neighbourhood policing team has also been patrolling local businesses to deter shoplifters, ahead of a 'Have Your Say' meeting at Wantage Library, from 12pm-1pm on Saturday, July 6.

Each neighbourhood in the Thames Valley, or group of neighbourhoods, has its own team made up of police officers and police community support officers - PCSOs or wardens whose entire focus is on that area.

These teams aim to work with community partners to tackle issues that affect people's quality of life.