Elgin News Digest: League of Women Voters holding two candidate forums; Coldest Night of the Year walk being held in Elgin

League of Women Voters holding two candidate forums

The League of Women Voters organizations for the Aurora area, central Kane County and the Elgin area are joining forces to host candidate forums on Tuesday, Feb. 20, and Thursday, Feb. 22.

The first will take place at 6:30 p.m. at Batavia City Hall, 100 N. Island Ave., for candidates running in contested primaries for Kane County recorder, Kane County Board districts 12 and 14 and the state rep seat for District 49, according to a news release.

Invitations have been extended to:

  • Aris Garcia and Hannah Billingsley, who are vying for the Republican nomination for District 49. Incumbent state Rep. Maura Hirschauer is running unopposed in the primary.

  • Democrats Marisela Villegas and Brenda Rodgers, who are competing to be nominated for the office of Kane County recorder.

  • Republicans Bill Roth and Michelle Geen, who are competing for County Board District 12.

  • Republicans Jonathan Gripe and Mark Davoust, who are competing for County Board District 14.

The Feb. 22 forum will feature candidates running in contested primaries for 83rd District Illinois House seat and the 11th District U.S. House seat. It will be held at 7 p.m. at Batavia City Hall.

Invitations to participate have been extended to Democrats Matt Hanson and Arad Boxenbaum, who are competing in District 83; incumbent U.S. Rep. Bill Foster and his 11th District Democratic challenger Qasim Rashid; and 11th District Republican candidates Jerry Evans, O Kent Mercado and Susan Hathaway-Altman.

The forums will be livestreamed and available for later viewing on the BATV YouTube Channel. They also will be available the next day online at illinoisvoterguide.org, my.lwv.org/illinois/aurora-area, my.lwv.org/illinois/central-kane-county and lwvelginarea.org.

Coldest Night of the Year walk being held in Elgin

The Coldest Night of the Year Walk, a fundraiser to support of local nonprofits that help people experiencing hunger and homelessness, will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24, starting at The Light Lounge at Vern’s Tavern, 77 S. Riverside Drive, Elgin.

Organized by One Collective Elgin, the event will feature 2-kilometer and 5-kilometer walk options, according to the event’s website. There is no registration fee but participants can collect pledges. Anyone 17 and younger who raises $75 or more or 18 and older who raises $150 or more will receive winter caps.

To register or for more information, go to cnoy.com/location/elgin and onecollectiveelgin.org.