Elon Musk and Andrew Tate offer support to Russell Brand amid ‘serious criminal allegations’

Kirsty Gallacher is the older sister of Brand’s wife Laura, left
Kirsty Gallacher is the older sister of Brand’s wife Laura, left - CRHA

Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla, and Andrew Tate, the social media influencer, are among those who have come out in support of Russell Brand following an allegation of rape and allegations of sexual assault and emotional abuse.

Commenting on the allegations Musk, 52, said on Twitter: “Of course. They don’t like competition.”

Andrew Tate showed solidarity with the British comedian after tweeting: “Welcome to the club @‌rustyrockets”, alongside a picture with the caption: “On my way to fight the crazy b---h allegations”.

Tate, 36, was released from a prison in Romania on house arrest in April and has since been charged with rape, human trafficking and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women.

Brand’s sister-in-law, Kirsty Gallacher, also backed him after reposting his two minute video in which he denied “very serious criminal allegations made against him”.

Kirsty Gallacher (right) with her sister Laura Brand (left),
Kirsty Gallacher (right) with her sister Laura Brand (left) - Instagram

Ms Gallacher, 47, is the older sister of Brand’s wife Laura. The Smooth Radio presenter shared the video on Instagram with a large red love heart.

Bev Turner, 49, the co-host of Britain’s Newsroom on GB News, sent a message of support to Brand in response to his video regarding the allegations.

She said: “You are being attacked. The Establishment media don’t know what to do with the fact that you have 6 million subscribers and generate autonomous, knowing and original content.

“Keep going. This proves you are winning. You’re a hero.”

Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News presenter, appeared to sympathise with Brand after hinting that the allegations had surfaced because of Brand’s social media influence.

The 54-year-old wrote on Twitter: “Criticize the drug companies, question the war in Ukraine, and you can be pretty sure this is going to happen.” In response to the tweet Andrew Tate wrote: “Yep.”

Brand in the video denying the allegations
Brand in the video denying the allegations

The messages of support apparently stem from the belief that Brand’s large following on social media and anti-establishment opinions are of concern to those in power.

Fans gathering in Wembley ahead of a “Russell Brand: Biopolarisation” suggested he was innocent until proven guilty.

Hundreds had arrived at the venue early despite speculation that the gig would not go ahead, with ticket holders of all ages filling the bars of the Wembley Park Theatre.

Dan Humphreys, speaking to The Telegraph, said: “I think he’s innocent until proven guilty. It’s easy to throw out allegations, I think it’s really good of him to continue.”

He added: “I’ve always found him funny and engaging.”

Mallory, who travelled from Swindon with her father to watch the gig, said: “I’m not one to believe anything that is in the headlines. I think everyone should have a fair trial.”

Russell Brand statement in full
Russell Brand statement in full