Emmerdale fans confused by missing character in Heath's funeral scenes

Emmerdale fans have expressed confusion at a character's absence from Heath Hope's funeral scenes.

Heath died recently in a car accident after going joyriding with his sister Cathy and Angelica King, leaving the family devastated.

Brenda Walker, who had been like a mum to Heath, helped organise the funeral, but when the big day came, viewers noticed that she wasn't actually there. There was a quick mention about Brenda being ill, but that only annoyed viewers who felt like the soap should have found a way to include her.

brenda hope, emmerdale

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"Bit weird after all her involvement that Brenda just wasn’t at Heath’s funeral. Some shite about being ill and that was it," tweeted one viewer, while another shared a meme of a confused child and wrote: "Brenda not attending her own son's funeral because she’s ill?"

"Brenda poorly? Must be in reality too if she's not in episode," suggested a further viewer.

One particularly incensed fan said: "I'm sorry but if the actress (Lesley Dunlop) playing Brenda was ill in real life then they should have just filmed the funeral on a different day because she would ABSOLUTELY be at her son's funeral, sick or not. It's a really poor choice here not having her there."

cathy hope, bob hope, emmerdale

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Another viewer had a suggestion for how it could have been handled, writing: "Why the heck have they filmed Heath's funeral without Brenda? That's ridiculous! It would have been less stupid to say she'd gone on ahead and show the back of a stand-ins head than say Brenda wasn't well enough to attend!"

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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