Emmerdale fans 'work out' three Dingles 'murder' Tom - and it's not Cain

Emmerdale Tom King
-Credit: (Image: (Image: ITV))

Emmerdale fans are certain that three Dingle family members will join forces to bring down Tom King.

The despicable vet, played by James Chase, has been subjecting his wife Belle Dingle, portrayed by Eden Taylor-Draper, to emotional and physical abuse for months. His reign of terror escalated when he discovered she had terminated their unborn child.

Initially, Belle deceived Tom by claiming she had suffered a miscarriage, but she confessed the truth to her husband earlier this week, leaving him enraged. In Friday's episode (June 28), Charity Dingle, played by Emma Atkins, arranged to spend some time with Belle.

However, the manipulative Tom ensured Belle stayed by his side, feigning a fall from his wheelchair and making her feel guilty about leaving him.

They managed to visit Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Nicola King's (Nicola Wheeler) for dinner later in the day, but Belle failed to inform Charity that she would no longer be meeting her due to Tom's fall, reports the Express.

Charity was visibly upset when she found out she wouldn't be seeing Belle and rushed over to The Woolpack where she shared her concerns with Lydia (Karen Blick) and Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter).

She pledged to uncover what is happening between Tom and Belle once and for all, leading viewers to believe that the trio of women will unite to take him down.

One Emmerdale viewer took to X, previously Twitter, to post: "Prays there's a "the three" where Chas, Lydia and Charity collectively kill Tom."

A second chimed in: "Go ladies." A third agreed, stating: "Witches of Eastwick kick a**e.." Another user also seemed eager for action: "Dingle women coming for Tom, hope they string him alive tbh! ".

Forthcoming episodes revealed in the Emmerdale spoilers indicate that next week Belle will start to panic as her relationships with Charity, Chas, Lydia and Mandy (Lisa Riley) come under question.

Cain Dingle taught Aaron Dingle a lesson as they got revenge on Caleb in Emmerdale
Cain Dingle taught Aaron Dingle a lesson as they got revenge on Caleb in Emmerdale

Charity urges Belle to reveal what's truly happening but is met with Belle's anger at their constant probing, leading to Belle storming out. Discovering a distressed Belle outside the Woolpack, Charity gently urges her to open up.

Belle starts sobbing, but on seeing Tom approach, she pushes Charity away and rushes home. Charity watches incredulously as Tom shuts her out from Belle, attributing his wife's behaviour to mental health struggles.


Concern arises among the other women over Charity's reaction, and she leaves the room frustrated, worried she may have lost her opportunity to shed light on the worrying situation. Back at home, Tom's demeanour changes and he makes a call to arrange an interview for a position in Wales.

The following day, Charity tries to resolve things with Belle, but Belle is unimpressed. In an online interview, Tom is reminded that the job he's applying for is in a very remote part of Wales. He suggests to the interviewer that Belle would be delighted to move there.

Once she's back, Tom proposes a holiday to Belle, eager to take her to a secluded cottage. As she becomes more open to the idea, he's secretly pleased his plan is coming together.

Viewers will have to stay tuned to see if Charity can prevent Tom from taking Belle away for good

Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV1 and ITVX at 7.30pm