Emmerdale needs to bring back Robert Sugden

Note: The following article contains discussion of sexual misconduct.

When Emmerdale aired a shock return for Aaron Dingle this month, naturally viewers wondered if a comeback for the character's ex-husband, Robert Sugden, might also be on the cards.

Ryan Hawley's portrayal of legacy character Robert was hugely popular, earning acclaim for groundbreaking bisexuality representation and turning Robert into a soap icon with his satirical wit and cheeky charm. It's this kind of presence that Emmerdale is currently missing.

Robert left our screens back in 2019, when he was jailed for the killing of Lee Posner, who raped Robert's sister Victoria. This sad exit tore him away from soulmate Aaron, as Robert filed for divorce in order to set Aaron free. Robert later wrote to apologise for how he had dealt with the situation, apparently ending the whole tragic chapter.

But in 2021, Lee's brother Luke confessed that he had attacked Lee in self-defence, the very same day Robert lashed out. Strangely, Emmerdale reawakened this plot only to dismiss it just as quickly, as Robert chose not to appeal his sentence and life moved on.

luke posner in emmerdale

Other than to facilitate a swift departure for Luke, this twist was a pointless throwback, but it got us all talking about Robert once more. Four years on from his heartbreaking goodbye to Aaron, the concept of an early release for Robert is much more believable in the soap universe, with that evidence waiting in the wings.

Obviously, his experience behind bars would have to be addressed; but beyond that, we can't help thinking that Robert's return could rekindle some joy in the gloomy Dales.

We love the thought of a romantic reunion for Aaron and Robert, and reviving the much-missed partnership between Hawley and co-star Danny Miller should certainly be a long-term goal. But the fragile and angry Aaron is not in the right headspace at this time; so a supportive friendship reminiscent of the previous ‘Robron' journey would be welcome.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of other reasons why the ITV soap should bring Robert home. He was a true soap anti-hero, and the village isn't the same without him.


Emmerdale introduced Moira Dingle's brother Mackenzie Boyd the year after Robert left; and at first, he had a similar essence to our lost, but irreplaceable Sugden.

Mack's sarcastic edge and amusing one-liners were a promising addition. Yet these qualities have now been overshadowed by a love triangle and an epiphany that came far too late; and arguably Mack's worst crime has seen estranged wife Charity Dingle lose her sense of self along the way.

Self-confessed disaster Robert made his own severe mistakes, and cheating was, of course, one of them. But after a history of shameless behaviour, Robert's remorse was ever-present and his redemption arc skilfully crafted, with his eventual happiness hard-won through beautiful character growth.

Unlike Robert, Mack isn't learning from his toxic actions as he continues to pursue Charity, just days after the mother of his child, Chloe Harris, almost died when Mack left her to fall from a cliff. Robert could show Mack how it's done in terms of winning over the audience; as well as providing some vital comedy.

Robert Sugden appears in court in Emmerdale

The show has delivered strong dramatic stories this year, with Lydia Dingle's rape aftermath and Paddy Kirk's mental-health crisis both proving effective and powerful viewing. But where entertainment is concerned, Emmerdale has lost its way a little.

Humorous, fun-loving characters haven't gone anywhere, including lovable village veteran Marlon Dingle; and Gail Loman, who has settled in brilliantly at The Woolpack.

But there simply isn't enough time dedicated to light relief in between the darker tales. This is where Robert could provide a bit of balance with his dry remarks, perhaps also reminding Nicola King of her mischievous streak outside of café gossip.

Victoria could also benefit from her big brother's homecoming. She's been on the sidelines for a while now, without a story of her own to guide her. It's time for Robert to rejoin Vic, who barely has any family left in the village. Bizarrely, Victoria's closest ally seems to be Wendy Posner – the mother of her attacker, and grandmother to her son Harry.

Robert could help refocus Victoria's priorities, and pitch in to babysit his young nephew, changing up their traditional dynamic; at least until he strays back into naughty territory. Some of Victoria's best moments saw her rescue Robert from his outrageous schemes, and however much he has changed we wouldn't want him to stop causing trouble completely.

Speaking of schemers, we could see Aaron's newfound uncle, Caleb Miligan, clashing with Robert in a big way; or maybe the pair could even conspire together. After all, they've both tried to take over Home Farm – maybe they would finally succeed if they teamed up.

It may be a pipe dream at the moment, but if actor Hawley ever decides to reprise his beloved role, the possibilities are endless. Here's hoping Robert will be back to liven up Emmerdale and fulfil our wishes one day.

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Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, you can access more information from Rape Crisis England and Wales, who work towards the elimination of all forms of sexual violence and sexual misconduct, on their website or by calling the National Rape Crisis Helpline on 0808 802 9999. Rape Crisis Scotland’s helpline number is 08088 01 03 02.

Readers in the US are encouraged to contact RAINN, or the National Sexual Assault Hotline on 800-656-4673.

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