Emmerdale spoilers: Charles Anderson ATTACKS Tom!

 Charles Anderson attacks Tom in the Woolpack in Emmerdale.
Charles Anderson attacks Tom in the Woolpack in Emmerdale.

Emmerdale's Charles Anderson assaults Tom King in a shocking turn of events in Thursday's episode (ITV, 7.30pm, see our TV Guide for full listings).

Struggling with the weight of the secret, Manpreet Sharma leaves her boyfriend Charles an urgent voicemail, pleading for him to come home.

The vicar returns, unable to run any longer and tries to make a number of attempts to confess the truth to his oblivious mum Claudette Anderson.

However, when Claudette sings Charles' praise, he can't bring himself to tell her and backs out.

At the Woolpack, a concerned Tom watches Charles drink himself into oblivion as his guilt consumes him. After trying to sympathise with Charles, Tom only infuriates him more.

Tom King talks to an angry Charles Anderson at the Woolpack.
Tom King talks to an angry Charles Anderson at the Woolpack.

The usually calm Charles explodes and Tom retorts, but the vicar is unable to contain his anger and pins him to the bar in front of horrified punters. Charles' rage only subsides when his family interrupt the shocking fight and he releases Tom.

Charles Anderson pins Tom King's head to the bar as his family demand him to let go.
Charles Anderson pins Tom King's head to the bar as his family demand him to let go.

Charles flees from his worried family and when Manpreet catches up to, she begs him to tell the truth. Will she be able to make Charles see sense and finally come clean?

Shocked customers at the pub watch Charles Anderson after he attacked Tom King.
Shocked customers at the pub watch Charles Anderson after he attacked Tom King.

Meanwhile, Chas Dingle and her ex-husband Paddy Kirk put on a united front as they explain Paddy and Mandy Dingle's relationship to their young daughter Eve.

However, Chas struggles to hide her jealousy at her former hubby's new romance.

Chas Dingle, Eve Dingle, Mandy Dingle, Paddy Kirk and Bear.
Chas Dingle, Eve Dingle, Mandy Dingle, Paddy Kirk and Bear.

Elsewhere, Tom's excitement is shattered when his girlfriend Belle Dingle reveals that she can't move in with him yet.

Belle Dingle looks concerned as she speaks to Tom King.
Belle Dingle looks concerned as she speaks to Tom King.

Emmerdale continues weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV see our TV Guide for full listings.

  • Rhona Goskirk - Zoe Henry

  • Paddy Kirk - Dominic Brunt

  • Kim Tate - Claire King

  • Eric Pollard - Chris Chittell

  • Bear Wolf - Joshua Richards

  • Jai Sharma - Chris Bisson

  • Jacob Gallagher - Joe-Warren Plant

  • Wendy Posner - Susan Cookson

  • Bob Hope - Tony Audenshaw

  • Amy Wyatt - Natalie Ann Jamieson

  • Liam Cavanagh - Jonny McPherson

  • Leyla Cavanagh - Roxy Shahidi

  • Rodney Blackstock - Patrick Mower

  • Brenda Walker - Lesley Dunlop

  • Matty Barton- Ash Palmisciano

  • Amelia Spencer - Daisy Campbell

  • Dan Spencer - Liam Fox

  • April Windsor - Amelia Flanagan

  • Nate Robinson - Jurell Carter

  • Dawn Fletcher - Olivia Bromley

  • Manpreet Jutla - Rebecca Sarker

  • Ryan Stocks - James Moore

  • Billy Fletcher - Jay Kontzle

  • Will Taylor - Dean Andrews

  • Mackenzie Boyd - Lawrence Robb

  • Bernice Blackstock - Sam Giles

  • Marlon Dingle - Mark Charnock

  • Zak Dingle - Steve Halliwell

  • Mandy Dingle - Lisa Riley

  • Vinny Dingle - Bradley Johnson

  • Cain Dingle - Jeff Hordley

  • Moira Dingle - Natalie J Robb

  • Chas Dingle - Lucy Pargeter

  • Belle Dingle - Eden Taylor-Draper

  • Charity Dingle - Emma Atkins

  • Sam Dingle - James Hooten

  • Lydia Dingle - Karen Blick

  • Noah Dingle - Jack Downham

  • Samson Dingle - Sam Hall

  • Caleb Miligan - William Ash