Emmerdale viewers ‘work out’ new affair twist as Manpreet sets eyes on unlikely resident

Emmerdale fans 'wok out' affair twist as Manpreet sets eyes on unlikely resident -Credit:ITV
Emmerdale fans 'wok out' affair twist as Manpreet sets eyes on unlikely resident -Credit:ITV

Emmerdale viewers are convinced that the village is going to be hit with another affair scandal as Manpreet sets her eyes on an unlikely resident.

Earlier this week, viewers saw Manpreet sign up to Billy's PT fitness business and things took an unexpected turn when she started showing interest in him.

Billy remained oblivious to her subtle hints as he is more focused on his own relationship issues with Dawn. During tonight's episode of the ITV hit soap, Manpreet attempted to bond with partner Charles as she offered to finish work early so they could have some alone time but Charles claimed that he was to busy.

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It was clear that Manpreet was not happy with Charles’ lack of affection so she decided to have another training session with Billy.

Billy Fletcher is considering handing himself in
Manpreet has her eyes on Billy Fletcher -Credit:ITV

Later on Manpreet tried to spend some time with Charles again and planned a date at the Hide but it wasn’t the night she was expecting as Charles was in a rush out and insisted that he had other things to do.

Billy, who was also having his own date night with Dawn, noticed that Manpreet was sitting alone and asked Dawn if they should invite her to join them.

Dawn was not keen on the idea as she pointed out that they never get to go out alone without the kids. As Charles continues to push Manpreet away viewers watching at home are convinced that this could lead to Manpreet trying it on with Billy and fans are left “cringing” at the idea of them having an affair.

@Simy_78 Tweeted: “Manpreet having the gladeye for Billy in #Emmerdale is a tad cringe and embarrassing!! @stevebethere wrote: “Can any of these villagers just be friends without having it off....oooh parrrrrdon #emmerdale.” @lesleylyness commented: “She fancies the pants off Billy #emmerdale.”

@IBradders asked: “He's (Billy) gonna start sh****** Manpreet aint he?#Emmerdale.” @homebrew19721 commented: “Billy and manpreet here we go #Emmerdale.”

@raining_purple said: “So obviously Manpreet and Billy are going to be a “thing” #Emmerdale.” While @MeeshyJay added: “Manpreet looking for a toy boy #Emmerdale.”

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