Employers Urged To Be Flexible During Euro 2016

Bosses have been urged to be flexible with employees desperate to watch their team during the Euro 2016 football tournament.

The conciliation service ACAS has launched guidance for firms - advising them to consider giving football-mad workers breaks to watch matches.

The document also suggests employers should closely monitor attendance at work during the month-long tournament, in case staff fake illness rather than miss a key match.

ACAS said firms should have agreements in place to cover requests for time off, sickness absence, website use during working hours or watching TV during the tournament.

Some games, including the crunch encounter between Wales and England, are being held during the day.

Sir Brendan Barber, who chairs ACAS, said: "There's another very important European event happening next month where passions are likely to run high between supporters of various sides.

"The Euro 2016 tournament is an exciting event for many football fans but staff should avoid getting a red card for unreasonable demands or behaviour in the workplace during this period.

"Many businesses need to maintain a certain staffing level in order to survive. Employers should have a set of simple workplace agreements in place before kick off to help ensure their businesses remain productive whilst keeping staff happy too."

The ACAS guidelines include:

:: Working Together

Before the start of the European Cup or any major sporting event it would be best to have agreements in place regarding such issues as time off, sickness absence or even watching TV during these events.

:: Annual Leave

Employers may wish to look at being more flexible when allowing employees leave during this period, with the understanding that this will be temporary arrangement. Employees should remember that special arrangements may not always be possible. The key is for both parties to try and come to an agreement.

All leave requests should be considered fairly by all employees, and a consistent approach to other major sporting events in granting leave. Remember not everyone likes football!

:: Sickness Absence

Levels of attendance should be monitored during this period in accordance with the attendance policy, any unauthorised absence or patterns in absence could result in formal proceedings.

This could include the monitoring of high levels of sickness, late attendance or lower levels of performance at work due to post event celebrations.

:: Flexibility

One option that may be agreeable would be to have a more flexible working day, when employees may come in a little later or finish sooner, and then agree when this time can be made up.

Employers may allow staff to swap shifts with the manager's permission or allow staff to take a break during match times. Allowing staff to listen to the radio or watch the TV may be another possible option.

:: Use Of Websites And Social Networks

There may be problems around staff watching lengthy coverage via their computers or on personal devices.

Employers should have a clear policy regarding web use in the workplace and the policy should be cascaded to all employees.

If employers are monitoring internet usage then the data protection regulations require them to make it clear that it is happening to all employees.

:: Drinking Or Being Under The Influence At Work

Some people may like to participate in a drink or two while watching the match or even may go to the pub to watch a match live.

It (Other OTC: ITGL - news) is important to remember that anyone caught drinking at work or found to be under the influence of alcohol in the workplace could be subject to disciplinary procedures. There may be a clear no alcohol policy at work and employees may need a reminder.