England fans warned of £1k fines and jail risk for breaking little-known driving laws

Patriotic flags, and other car decorations, that block the view or affect control of the vehicle can see drivers fined up to £1,000 fine and hit with three penalty points.
-Credit: (Image: 2006 Getty Images)

As England gears up for its match against Denmark, many Brits are readying themselves to support their home team.

However, amidst the football frenzy, it's easy to overlook driving rules and end up with hefty fines or penalty points. In severe cases, this could even lead to a jail term.

To help motorists avoid such penalties during the summer celebrations, Compare the Market's car insurance team has put together a list of driving dos and don'ts, reports Bristol Live.

Don't drink and drive (Highway Code: Rule 95):

Many fans will be watching the game at their local pub, but regardless of the circumstances, drivers should never get behind the wheel if they're over the limit. If caught drink-driving, motorists could face up to six months in prison, an unlimited fine, and a minimum one-year driving ban

Be careful with football decorations (Highway Code: Rule 229):

While many drivers will want to display their support by decorating their cars with St. George's flags and Three Lions merchandise, they must ensure that these decorations do not obstruct their view or interfere with vehicle control. Failure to comply could result in a £1,000 fine and three penalty points.

Maintain music at a safe volume (Highway Code: Rule 148):

While it might be tempting to sing 'It's Coming Home' before the match or blast 'Sweet Caroline' after a win, doing so could result in a hefty fine. It's easy to get carried away with the excitement, but safe driving requires concentration.

If a driver is caught playing music too loudly or not paying proper attention to the road, they could be charged with dangerous driving. This could lead to a two-year prison sentence, an unlimited fine, or a mandatory driving ban.

Honking your horn to celebrate an England victory could cost you up to £1,000
Honking your horn to celebrate an England victory could cost you up to £1,000 -Credit:Getty Images

Avoid unnecessary horn honking (Highway Code: Rule 112):

The Highway Code states that drivers should only use their horn to alert other road users of their presence, and only when the vehicle is moving. So, even if the horn is being used to celebrate an England victory, drivers could end up with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £30 if deemed to be using it incorrectly.

This could rise to £1,000 if the FPN is contested.

Avoid parking on double yellow lines (Highway Code: Rule 238):

Whether you're heading to a friend's house or trying to secure a spot at the pub before the game, drivers must never park (or wait) on double yellow lines. Doing so could result in a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and a fine of either £70 or £50, depending on the severity of the offence.

Julie Daniels, from the car insurance team at Compare the Market, had some essential advice for football fans. She said: "There's nothing quite like a football match to bring the nation together, and while England fans will be looking to celebrate this summer, we also need to be mindful of the rules of the road to keep each other safe during the celebrations."

She urged fans to make responsible transportation choices, adding: "If you're planning to have a drink while watching any of the games, make sure to walk, get a lift, or book a taxi home. Never get behind the wheel if you've been drinking, and this goes for the next day too, as driving while hungover could still see you over the limit."

Additionally, she advised fans to avoid distractions and be mindful of noise levels while driving.

Julie said: "Don't get too carried away with decorations and flags, and always keep your music down to a minimum, so your full attention is on the road. And, for those lucky enough to be heading to Germany to catch the game in person, make sure to do your research and follow the driving regulations in any of the countries you might be travelling to."