Escape To The Country couple left emotional as they find "dream come true" property

Sue and Rich found their "dream come true" property on Escape To The Country - but were sadly outbid
-Credit: (Image: BBC/Escape To The Country)

A couple on BBC's Escape To The Country went through a rollercoaster of emotion after they put an offer in on a "dream come true" property - only to then be outbid by another interested buyer.

Sue and Rich took part in the daytime television real estate programme to help turn their dream of relocating from Northamptonshire to Wales, and start up a business to invite other people to stay at their new property, into a reality.

The couple admitted to host Steve Brown that they had had a tough couple of years, with Sue losing both her parents within the last two years, while Rich's sister passed away just last month.

Reflecting on the impact of these events, Rich said: "It just highlighted the fact that life's too short really, not doing what you really feel like you should be doing. So, now is the time we want to make the move and live the rest of our lives."

Their search began with Steve Brown leading the couple through a series of beautiful homes that matched their needs and fell within their £650,000 budget. But it was the mystery house that truly captivated Sue and Rich, according to the Mirror.

Situated in Marton village, this impressive dwelling boasted over six acres of land, including two paddocks, an expansive front garden, an orchard, and woodland.

And while exploring the grounds, Sue was moved to tears upon being shown the walled garden, stating: "It's my walled garden that I've always, always said that I wanted. I'm getting quite choked up. It's gorgeous, isn't it? It's made me cry! ".

Noticing Sue's reaction, Steve approached to check on her. As she explained her long-held dream of having a walled garden, Rich described the moment as a "dream come true" scenario to the show's host, to which Steve answered: "Well I aim to please! Not to upset, but certainly please."

After the couple had toured the rest of the property, it was time for them to discover its price tag - and they were left speechless to learn that it was on the market for just £550,000.

However, Steve disclosed: "I've got to let you know, despite it not being on the market for very long, it's already had a couple of offers on the property so you really do need to think fast."

And it seems they took his advice, as when it was time to meet up with Steve again, he was stunned to hear they had already set things in motion, and had put in an offer since their last meeting with the expert.

As they explained that the opportunity was too good to pass up, Steve added: "I was nervous because for every good thing about it, I was thinking, 'Oh the house is going to be too much work, this is going to be too big a project despite its potential'."

While Rich conceded they might have to alter their plans regarding transitioning to the business and leaving their jobs, they were both excited and anxious about their decision. Unfortunately, by the episode's end, viewers discovered that a higher bid had been accepted by another party.