Essex pub that displayed golliwog dolls graffitied and vandalised

A pub where golliwog dolls were seized by the police has been graffitied and had five windows damaged.

It follows the collection of the racist caricatures being taken from the White Hart Inn in Grays, Essex, as part of an investigation into an allegation of hate crime reported on 24 February.

The dolls are based on 18th century minstrels, and the pub had previously displayed a collection of about 30.

It was vandalised at about 12.40am on Sunday, with the police not ruling out the incident being linked to the dolls.

Essex Police district commander Tony Atkin said: "Inquiries are taking place to establish what happened in the lead up to this incident and to identify those responsible, and includes viewing CCTV footage.

"One line of inquiry is that the criminal damage is linked to a previous incident that we are currently investigating, also linked to the White Hart Inn.

"We continue to investigate that incident and would ask the public to allow us to do so, remaining calm."

Pub banned from winning awards

The pub hit the headlines after the MailOnline reported that Home Secretary Suella Braverman said Essex Police "should not be getting involved in this kind of nonsense" and instead focus on "catching criminals".

The force later denied being directly reprimanded by Ms Braverman.

The White Hart Inn was recently banned from being considered for any awards by the Campaign for Real Ales (Camra) and the group said it would not be included in its Good Beer Guide "while these discriminatory dolls continue to be on display".

Read more:
Suella Braverman makes views 'very plain' to police
Essex pub handed awards and publication ban by Camra

But Chris Ryley, who runs the pub with his wife, Benice, told the BBC that "a mountain has been made out of a molehill".

He added the dolls were "part of our history" and said the pub was receiving more support than abuse and it was still open and trading.

'I can't see any harm'

Mrs Ryley previously said the dolls had been donated by her late aunt and customers, and had been on display in the pub for nearly 10 years.

She said: "They're my childhood history, it's a part of our inheritance. I can't see any harm.

"I really am angry because what they've taken away is valuable."

Mrs Ryley refused to accept the dolls, or the pub, are racist, saying they frequently hosts Indian weddings. She has said she does not understand how people could be offended by the dolls.

She added: "If they don't like it, they don't have to come through the door."

No arrests have been made in connection to the alleged hate crime.