EU border guards could turn British tourists away from Gibraltar, Lord Cameron admits

Lord Cameron, pictured outside No10 last week
Lord Cameron, pictured outside No 10 last week, told MPs that border officials at the Rock's airport would have the power to bar people coming into Gibraltar - LUCY NORTH/PA

European Union border guards would be able to turn British travellers away from Gibraltar under a new post-Brexit treaty, Lord Cameron admitted on Monday.

The Foreign Secretary told MPs that officials from Frontex, the EU border agency, stationed at the Rock’s airport would have the power to bar visitors.

But he insisted that a proposed agreement with Brussels would not involve “selling out” the overseas territory or “diminish in any way” the UK’s sovereignty.

Britain and the EU are locked in talks over a potential deal to remove identity checks on people crossing the frontier between Gibraltar and Spain.

Border guards from Frontex would instead be stationed at the Rock’s airport, where they would carry out passport controls on all arrivals.

They would have the power to turn people away from entering the territory even if those visitors had been waved through by Gibraltarian officials.

The arrangement would in effect mean that in effect Britons travelling to the overseas territory would be treated as if they were entering the EU.

The Straits of Gibraltar pictured from La Alcaidesa in southern Spain
The Straits of Gibraltar pictured from La Alcaidesa in southern Spain - ISTOCK

Once through immigration, people arriving in the Rock would be able to travel onwards to the rest of the Schengen Area – the parts of the EU without border controls – with no further checks.

Gibraltar’s government is pressing heavily for the deal to end congestion on the border with Spain, which is crossed by 15,000 workers per day.

But Eurosceptic Tory MPs have raised concerns that the Government is bartering away British sovereignty to get a quick agreement.

David Jones, the deputy chairman of the European Research Group, asked him whether EU officials would be able to “refuse access” to the Rock.

“In future, there would be two sets of checks – one by Gibraltar, one by Schengen – and if there was a Schengen alert that could be the circumstance,” Lord Cameron replied.

The arrangement would also mean that, from autumn, Britons travelling to the territory would be subject to new EU fingerprint checks.

‘Clear lines we cannot cross’

Lord Cameron told the European Scrutiny Committee that the two sides were still thrashing out terms and insisted that he would not sign a bad deal.

“We don’t want to see anything that diminishes in any way UK sovereignty over Gibraltar. There are some very clear lines we cannot cross,” he said.

He added: “People in Gibraltar care so passionately about their British sovereignty, the idea they’re going to sign up to some sellout deal I think is not very sensible.”

It would mean Britons could be blocked from entering the territory on visa grounds if they had already spent more than 90 out of the previous 180 days in the EU, even if they only wanted to visit Gibraltar.

Visitors might also be flagged if they lacked certain documents, such as proof they had enough money to cover their stay, or if they had a serious criminal record.

The Foreign Secretary also insisted that there was no prospect of Spain gaining any control over the Rock’s airport, which is an important military base.

But he added that getting a deal over the line could help improve relations with Madrid, which still claims sovereignty over the territory, in the longer run.

During the session, Lord Cameron also expressed concerns over the impact of new border checks on tourists entering the EU which come into force in October.

He said he has raised the issue with Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, and senior European Commission officials and urged them to rethink the plan.

Under the bloc’s new entry and exit system visitors from Britain will have to provide their fingerprints and have a photo taken when entering Europe.

“I’m really worried about there being long delays for people and I think the technology still needs testing and improving,” the Foreign Secretary said.