Eurovision Song Contest 2024: Forest of Dean town is proud of Olly Alexander

Rachel Chandler at Forget Me Nots florist in Coleford as the town says good luck to its very own Olly Alexander performing at Eurovision 2024
Rachel Chandler at Forget Me Nots florist in Coleford as the town says good luck to its very own Olly Alexander performing at Eurovision 2024 -Credit:Will Luker & Martin Sylvest Andersen/Getty Images Europe

With not long to go until Gloucestershire's very own Olly Alexander performs for the UK at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, the very community Olly grew up in are fully behind his chances of taking home the Eurovision crown.

Alexander will be performing his song "Dizzy" on Saturday (May 11) in Sweden and fans can expect a stage setup that feels very post-apocalyptic with some elements of space.

The 33-year-old can still often be seen at his favourite Indian takeaway or outside the Co-op in Coleford, the Forest of Dean town where he grew up. And businesses in the town have decorated their shop fronts and you can see a few cardboard cutouts.

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Rachel Chandler at Forget Me Not florists has daughters who went to the same secondary school as Olly. As owner of the shop for five years, Rachel says Olly's participation has been "really good and has created a great vibe around the town. She added: "It is amazing seeing him on the TV and I wish him all the luck in the world."

At gift shop Celestial Adornment Jacky Tudball has been owner for 15 years. Jacky says: "We couldn't be more proud of him and it's great to see the shops decorating their windows and the song has really grown on me. I'm walking around singing it and we have a connection to what Olly is doing and I wish him all the best."

Just some of the shop fronts in Coleford!

Forest Deli have created a "Dizzy" cheeseboard
Forest Deli have created a "Dizzy" cheeseboard -Credit:Will Luker
Bolters restaurant are in the Eurovision spirit
Bolters restaurant are in the Eurovision spirit -Credit:Will Luker
Royal Forest Kitchens are also supporting Olly!
Royal Forest Kitchens are also supporting Olly! -Credit:Will Luker
As are gift shop Celestial Adornment!
As are gift shop Celestial Adornment! -Credit:Will Luker

Just across from Coleford Clocktower, Forest Deli have even created a "Dizzy" cheese board of Olly's favourite cheeses. "People are very excited and there's been a lot of interest, says owner Simon Jones. I think the song is very good and I don't think it will be a nul points. Everybody is proud that we have someone performing on the international world stage representing sleepy little Coleford. Olly has to do what he does best and I think he definitely stands a chance."

Swedish flags galore around Coleford, one important part of the town that is doing its bit for Eurovision is the town's cinema. Manageress of Studio Cinema Beth Williams says putting on a free watch event on the big screen has seen lots of interest from the community.

"When I've had the doors open we've had numbers increase asking what we're doing and what is going on, Beth says. We've had people who are not always Eurovision fans who are really excited and here at Studio we're over the moon. We are a small cinema and this is massive for the community and what Olly has done for Coleford, the town is so proud of you Olly!"

The pop star, actor and LGBT+ activist has been well known for his role in Channel 4 as Ritchie Tozer in drama "It's a Sin" and rose to fame as leader singer of pop band Years & Years. As Mayor of Coleford Nick Penny mentions, Olly is well known to the town as a winner of the Music Festival talent show competition, a festival which Olly's mum Vicki Thornton was one of the founders.

Manageress of Studio Cinema Beth Williams with Mayor of Coleford Nick Penny. The cinema is putting on a free watch along on the big screen!
Manageress of Studio Cinema Beth Williams with Mayor of Coleford Nick Penny. The cinema is putting on a free watch along on the big screen! -Credit:Will Luker

"It's absolutely buzzing and traders have embraced Eurovision, Nick says. We are extremely grateful to Olly as he's representing not just the country but also Gloucestershire and the Forest of Dean. I know how passionate Olly is about Coleford and he'll be delighted at the local response to what he's doing."

Nick adds: "The song is perfect for Eurovision and I think we've got a great chance. There's a real connection to Olly and his music here in the town and Coleford is proud of what he's achieving. Give it your all Olly and you will do the UK proud!"