An evening in Gargrave with Race Across the World's Betty and James

Betty and James <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
Betty and James (Image: Submitted)

RACE Across the World contestants, siblings Betty and James Mukherjee, will be talking about taking part in the hit television series in the village where they grew up.

People in Gargrave were gripped, along with the rest of the nation, in the eight part BBC series which saw pairs of contestants travel 15,000km over 50 days from Japan to Indonesia.

An although they were not the winning team, Betty and James with their approach to travelling and their honesty won the hearts of television audiences.

Now, they will be talking about their amazing journey at a special event at Gargrave Village Hall on July 19.

Betty said: “We’ve spent the most part of our lives in Gargrave and we’re so happy to be back telling our story. No matter where we are in the world, there will always be a bit of us in Gargrave”.

James and Betty will be sharing their story at Gargrave Village Hall on Friday, July 19 at 7.30pm. Tickets £5 from the Dalesman Cafe, High Street, and Gargrave Library.