Every General Election 2024 voter needs to do two things before July 4

Poll cards, elections, England, UK
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Getty))

The UK populace is being encouraged to take certain steps ahead of the general election, or they risk losing their voting rights. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced a general election for July 4 - the first since 2019.

However, with only a few weeks left before the nation heads to the polls, it's crucial to check two key things to ensure you can cast your vote on the day. Firstly, confirm that you are registered to vote.

No one is automatically eligible to vote, even if they're over the legal voting age of 18. You must register to be included in the electoral roll. If you've moved since the last time you voted, you'll need to re-register at your current address. To do this, visit gov.uk and begin the registration process - you'll need your National Insurance number, which can be found on your payslip if you don't have it to hand.

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Secondly, make sure you have an acceptable form of photo ID. This is due to changes in photo ID rules since the last election; the law now requires you to present valid photo ID at the polling station, reports the Express.

Only specific forms of ID are accepted. Passports and driving licences are permitted, but student cards and veterans' ID cards are not. Oyster cards and bus passes are acceptable for those aged over 60, but young person's railcards, bus passes or Oyster cards are not valid.

If you're without a valid photo ID, there's still time to register for one before the election. It doesn't necessarily have to be a passport or driving licence - any photo ID registered with the PASS scheme will suffice.

For just £15, you can get a Post Office PASS card, issued by CitizenCard, which will serve as a valid form of identification at the forthcoming general election.