Ex Hitachi worker launched 'sustained' attack on mum and dad in row over his electronic tag

Steven Cruickshanks
-Credit: (Image: Durham Police)

A 43-year-old man who was staying rent free at his parents home launched a vicious attack on them after he came home from the pub.

When Steven Cruickshanks's parents expressed concern about his tagged curfew, and the fact that he hadn't come home until 8.30pm, he called his dad a "miserable f*****." He then pushed his father and punched him in the face, on the evening of June 6.

As Cruickshanks's mother intervened, he slapped her around the face and punched her to the floor. He punched her to the head as she lay on the floor.

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Elisha Marsay, prosecuting, said Cruickshanks's mother tried to push him away "but she suddenly felt a blow to the left side of her face. She touched her ear and could see that she was bleeding.”

As his dad tried to call the police, Cruickshanks grabbed his phone from him, threw it on the floor and stamped on it. He then punched his dad to the floor, shouting, "I'll punch your lights out."

When his dad managed to get up, Cruickshanks punched him to the ground once more. He told his dad: "I'll f****** kill you."

His dad fled to a neighbour's house where he called police, and Cruickshanks was arrested. He was on an electronic curfew after being released from a prison sentence for stalking.

His mum was taken to hospital, but she didn't require treatment.

In a statement, Cruickshanks's dad said :"We have attempted to support our son but I fear for our safety, when he is in our home. He appears intent on hurting his mother, which leaves me feeling hopeless." His mum said that she is "heartbroken" that her son could do this to them.

Teesside Crown Court heard Cruickshanks's parents have now withdrawn support for the prosecution - saying that they want their son "to get help."

Cruickshanks, formerly of Lazenby Close in Darlington, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault. He was jailed in 2021, for stalking with fear of violence.

Sophie Allinson-Howells, mitigating, told the court that Cruickshanks is in frequent telephone contact with his parents from Durham prison, where he is being held on remand. She said that her client would be homeless when he is released, and his parents have said that he can stay with them as a last resort, if he has nowhere else to go.

"Prior to 2020, he had a home and was in a long term relationship," she said. "But he was made redundant from Hitachi." She also added that his relationship ended acrimoniously and he lost his home.

The barrister added: "Having lost those three protective factors, he struggled to cope. He started to drink and he became involved in the criminal justice system."

The court heard Cruickshanks was treated in intensive care after an attempt to take his life, the effects of which "had impacted his cognitive function".

"His parents safeguard his finances," Ms Allison-Howells said. "He used to be able to manage his finances but he now lacks the ability to do so."

Judge Nathan Adams told Cruickshanks: "The people who have stood by you throughout all of this are your parents. You repaid them by coming back from the pub, and in an argument about your curfew, you turned physical. You launched a sustained attack on them."

Cruickshanks was jailed for 14 months.

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