Exact date 'Saharan Plume' to hit UK as 24C heatwave on the way

Hot weather from Europe us pushing up towards the UK
Hot weather from Europe us pushing up towards the UK -Credit:WXCharts

The UK's weather looks set to swing from one extreme to the other, with a scorching 'Saharan Plume' set to replace the current unpredictable bout of wet and windy conditions.

Forecasts suggest that from Sunday (May 19) through to Tuesday (May 21), temperatures could see a significant rise - just in time for the half term. This sunny spell may be the summer relief many are hoping for, with the Midlands, North East England, and Yorkshire bracing for highs of around 23C.

But it won't just be the northern regions basking in the heat. The south isn't being left out with expected record temps too - London, south-east and the south coast might see the mercury shoot up to a sweltering 24C on Sunday, May 26.


Netweather reports most places across England will indulge in sun-soaked afternoons with highs floating between 22C and 24C. While a tad cooler than their English counterparts, Wales and Northern Ireland nevertheless have forecast temps comfortably above 20C according to the Mirror.

However, the Met Office are tempering expectations slightly, labelling predictions for the week starting May 19 through to May 28 as "changeable" and saying temperatures are likely to be "generally around or just above average."

The current weather forecast indicates: "Temperatures will be generally around or just a little above average. With winds tending to be light, it will feel warm in sunnier areas. As we head further into the following week, confidence lowers into the following week. On balance, a continuation of the showers in the south seems most likely, with the north continuing to see the best of any drier weather. Temperatures will probably remain a little above average."

This latest hint of warmer weather comes amid growing speculation of another Saharan plume set to impact the country in the coming days. While many may welcome the return of warmer temperatures, Saharan weather also brings certain risks - for both people and vehicles.

The UK is set to see a return of the warm weather in the coming days
The UK is set to see a return of the warm weather in the coming days -Credit:WXCharts

One of the major hazards of a Saharan plume is the dust it carries, which recently wreaked havoc when it hit mainland Europe last month. This natural phenomenon thrilled spectators as it brought hazy skies and vibrant sunsets to many regions, but it also caused air pollution levels to rise to the point where they breached some of the European Union's safety thresholds in several regions - including popular holiday destination Spain.

Residents in the southern and eastern parts of the country were left inhaling dirty air that was four times above the healthy limit for contamination with PM10 particles, a situation that could be particularly problematic for those suffering from lung conditions such as asthma.

The Saharan dust also poses a risk to vehicles, as the thin layer of dust that often coats cars after weather from the desert can scratch paintwork and windows if not properly removed. To safely remove the dust with minimal damage, drivers are advised not to rub or wipe away the dust, but instead to thoroughly rinse the car first ideally with a pre-wash before soaking in a snow foam soak and thoroughly rinsing.