Exact time you could see rare solar eclipse in Aberdeen tonight

Aberdonians could be in with a chance of catching a rare solar eclipse above the skies of the north-east in what will surely be a spectacular sight.

Many areas across North America will be treated to a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, as the moon moves in between the earth and the sun and blocks its rays from reaching the earth, writes the Daily Record.

Total solar eclipses are rather uncommon, with the next one not due to hit the UK until September 2090. However, should the weather be kind it will be partially visible from UK skies tonight.

Parts of Scotland could catch a glimpse of the solar eclipse tonight
Parts of Scotland could catch a glimpse of the solar eclipse tonight -Credit:AFP via Getty Images

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Here's everything you need to know if you want to catch a glimpse of the celestial marvel tonight.

When to spot the UK's partial solar eclipse

Keen stargazers will want to cast their eyes to the sky tonight at around 7.52pm this evening, according to Time and Date, as this is when the partial solar eclipse will start to be visible in Scotland.

The sun will still be up at this time, and although the full eclipse won't be seen here, you may be able to see around 20 percent of it right before the sun sets - especially if you live in the west of Scotland.

The partial eclipse will come to an end at around 8.51pm, so you've got around an hour to catch a glimpse. However, it's best to take a look right when it begins, so that the sun is in better view in the sky.

Best places to spot solar eclipse

Because the partial eclipse will be mainly visible from western parts of the UK, Glasgow is one of the best cities to catch a glimpse, with its peak happening at around 8.06pm.

Since it's travelling from east to west, Edinburgh dwellers may also be able to spot it, peaking at 8pm tonight, and Aberdeen will also get a glimpse of the rare event at 8.02pm.

The western isles will also be treated to a display, and like many other lunar events, getting up on to high ground is essential for a good view. Clear skies are also helpful - but unfortunately, a great deal of cloud cover is forecast tonight, so you could struggle to spot it.

You should never look directly at the sun without the proper eye protection, which includes sunglasses. Using a telescope or binoculars is recommended, but you must have a solar filter in place to avoid damaging your eyes.

What is a solar eclipse?

An eclipse of the sun happens when the moon moves directly between the sun and the earth, with our planet aligned in the moon's shadow.

But because the moon is a lot smaller than the earth, its shadow only covers a small portion of the earth's surface. Therefore, any solar eclipse will only be visible from certain regions.

In this case, it's the US, Canada and Mexico. After travelling through Mexico first, it will then spread through the US starting in Texas and ending up in Maine before hitting Canada with the final sighting expected in Newfoundland.