Exact times to take vitamins to maximise your health explained

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A health guru has shared some top tips on the best time to take vitamins, whether it's first thing in the morning or just before bed. While timing isn't everything, for some supplements it can make a big difference and enhance their effectiveness.

Taking certain vitamins at specific times can help reduce the risk of unpleasant side effects. For example, taking a vitamin supplement with a meal can improve the body's absorption of the vitamin and boost its overall health benefits.

Health expert Cory Rodriguez, known as HealthWithCory on social media, suggests that vitamin D is most effective when taken in the morning, for example. On the other hand, minerals like iron are best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach, he adds.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphate levels in the body, which are crucial for the health of our bones, teeth, and muscles, reports Gloucestershire Live.

Our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is directly exposed to sunlight while we're outside. The NHS advises: "Do not take more than 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful."

As for the best time to take vitamin D, Cory said: "I like taking vitamin D in the morning hours, because some evidence shows it can mess with melatonin levels if taken at night."


The human body needs an array of vitamins and minerals for optimal operation, with iron being a crucial mineral required for growth and development.

Iron aids the production of haemoglobin, a protein located in red blood cells that move oxygen from the lungs to every part of the body. Moreover, it plays a significant role in creating myoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to the muscles.

Iron is instrumental in generating specific hormones necessary for bodily functions. Cory said: "Iron is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach, but some people cannot tolerate this so if you need to take it with a meal you still can. Iron also seems to be absorbed better when taken every other day."

However, excessive intake of minerals may lead to unwanted effects.

B Vitamins

Unlike other essentials, the human body lacks the capacity to produce or store water-soluble vitamins. Consequently, you have to take these vital nutrients from sources like animal products, plants, and at times, supplements.

Vitamin C and several B vitamins are among the various types of water-soluble vitamins. There are eight varieties of B vitamins, each serving a distinct purpose within the human body - including:

  • thiamin

  • riboflavin

  • vitamin B-6

  • niacin

  • biotin

  • vitamin B-12

  • folic acid

  • pantothenic acid

Cory said: "For some people, B vitamins can give them energy, so taking them at night could mess with your sleep. Take them in the morning hours."

It's best to take B vitamins after you've started your day, as they're known for giving a bit of a boost. Research has pointed out that vitamin B-6, in particular, might interfere with sleep and even bring on intense dreams. To avoid these effects, it's wise to take them earlier rather than later.


When it comes to multivitamins, they're packed with a mix of water and fat-soluble nutrients. Studies suggest that taking your multivitamin alongside a meal is ideal, especially since fats help with absorption.

Cory said: "Since multivitamins contain a number of different vitamins and minerals it's best to take them in the morning hours. I also find people tend to do better taking multivitamins with a meal, but this can change based on the specific ingredients in the multivitamin."


Magnesium is recommended to have with food to lessen any potential side effects. Consistency is key for reaping the benefits.

Magnesium has a whole host of health benefits. Studies show it has the potential to enhance blood sugar regulation, lower the risk of migraines, decrease blood pressure, and offer protection against depression.

The perks of magnesium are most notable with regular use over time. So, whether you take it in the morning or evening, just stick with what suits your routine.

However, Cory said: "Since magnesium can help your sleep, it makes sense to take this prior to bed, especially if you are taking magnesium glycinate."


Ashwagandha has been known to help relieve stress. Studies also indicate it can increase energy levels and improve concentration.

Ashwagandha, which comes from a plant, is good to take in the morning if you want to focus, feel calm and lower anxiety during the day. Otherwise, it is ideal to take in the evening for relaxation, balancing your nervous system and stimulating high-quality sleep.

Cory said: "When it comes to anything that reduces cortisol (our stress hormone), I like taking it later in the day simply to match the body's natural response. In the morning cortisol levels are high to keep us awake, so I would rather control these levels later in the day."

Results from taking ashwagandha may not be immediate, and it could take a few months before you start to see its effects. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if ashwagandha or any other supplements are suitable for you.

Important things to remember:

It is important to remember that even though vitamin and mineral supplements are safe to consume, it is most beneficial to obtain these nutrients from food sources, including:

  • kale

  • spinach

  • nuts

  • fruits

  • low fat meats

Always speak to your doctor first before making any drastic diet or lifestyle changes and to check if there is a reason for any vitamin or mineral deficiency.

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